How to find inspiration as a creative?

  1. Remember to not put too much pressure to make something great. In fact, just saying “I’m going to intentionally make something bad” is a great way to start a project. Be that art, writing, music- whatever, the hardest part is just putting pen to paper.

    If you make the shitty/easy/fun thing long enough, the inspiration to do better and better comes naturally.

  2. Just play around a bit with your medium. Inspiration is hard to find if you look for it and most of the time, in my case anyway, you find it when you stop looking.

  3. Ideally you already have it

    That’s what being creative is about

    People like that question the world around them a lot. They’re aware of what they do and question a lot of what happens. Events that might slip by anyone else, they’ll focus on them and tell themselves “what if it happened that way instead ? What if it went worse ? What if something like that worked ?”, and want to make something out of the idea.

  4. I think up lots of ideas in the shower or just sitting there fishing alone, but usually it happens on the fly when I’m already balls deep in the project haha I’ll start it one way, and completely change it once I see it forming.

  5. get out of your usual routine, look on youtube about different set of problems in other topic that you familiar and interest in but weren’t that deep into it.

    go for a walk, look how things work in real life and look how you could incorporated everything you perceive into your work.

  6. Consume the type of art you want to create and leave a healthy lifestyle. Inspiration will come naturally.

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