I work at a restaurant with a girl who seems to not understand the level of volume she uses when she speaks. I first noticed when cleaning tables outside and she was practically yelling at her table during conversation. It’s very uncomfortable to witness but didn’t affect me directly until multiple times recently when she was standing right next to me and managed to hurt my ears.

Tonight she came up to me and my boss and started telling a story. She was so loud and enthusiastic that I had to cover my ears the whole time, it felt very rude on my part. But I’m scared to tell her that she is too loud for me to even concentrate on what she says. I know that she doesn’t have any kind of hearing impairment so I’m pretty sure she knows she’s being loud, and does it to overcompensate or something.

  1. If I had a nickel for every time someone told me I was “too quiet” I’d have a lot of nickels lol
    Definitely tell her!!

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