I heard that Americans wake up crazy early, is that true? And how many hours of sleep do you get on average?

  1. My work schedule changes slightly throughout the week. But I’m usually up for work around 7 or 7:30 most days.

  2. 6:30 on weekdays, 7:30 on weekends. Usually get seven hours of sleep at least. Think this kind of schedule is pretty common for those that work during the week.

  3. I usually get up between 6 and 7 on weekdays. Pre covid/flexible working it was a stricter 6am.

  4. I normally wake up at 4 am on Monday to Saturday. I run a commercial farm and try to be at work by 445 am at the latest and I also own a car garage and repair shop which I open by 9 am. My work day lasts til late as 7 pm.

    On Sunday I sleep in until 6/630 am

  5. Depends on the day.

    But with my schedule this semester, I’m generally up by 7AM.

    Which isn’t bad compared to when I was getting up at 3AM for the opening shift at my last job

  6. Sometimes I wake up at 4 a.m. (jetlag), sometimes I wake up at 9 a.m. Whenever my body wants to.

  7. Usually wake up between 5:50 and 6:30 AM since I have to commute to university by bus during the week. I try to get 8 hours of sleep, but I usually get around 6 hours though I am gradually getting tired earlier everyday. On the weekends, I wake up a bit later around 7 to 8 AM and usually get around 8 hours of sleep.

  8. * 4:30 Wake up
    * 5:15 Out the door
    * 5:30 Gym, then shower
    * 7:00 Work
    * 11 – 12 Lunch break
    * 5:00 (17:00) Go home, make supper if my wife is working. Walk the dog, Do some household chores. Talk to the kids (18, 21, 23). Maybe watch some TV.
    * 9:00 (21:00) Get my stuff ready for tomorrow – gym bag, work clothes, etc.
    * 10:00 (22:00) In bed. So I guess I get about 6.5 hours of sleep.

    On Saturday and Sunday it varies a lot, but I usually sleep in til 7am and go to bed a bit later.

  9. I eat dinner at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Have lunch around 10. Breakfast the night before.

  10. Generally 1:30-2:30 AM and I usually get about 3-4 hours of sleep. I’m pretty sure I’m losing my mind.

  11. I get up at 5:40am to make sure my kids are awake and getting ready for school. They are all teenagers and take the bus to school. So, once I know they are up, I trust that between the 3 of them they can handle getting ready and making the bus at 6:25am.

    I work from home 99% of the time. So, I usually am back in bed by 6:00am. I go back to sleep until sometime between 7:30am and 8:30am, depending on if I have any meetings or other responsibilities to attend to before 9:00am.

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