New England is the only part of the US I’ve extensively travelled in (I’m British btw). I’m planning to go back for another road trip next year. Asking for suggestions on where to go to experience the maximum contrast in terms of local culture.

  1. Easy answer is Alaska or Hawaii, on the Continental US it would be either the southwest or Texas/Oklahoma.

  2. So, what did you notice about New England? I could give just about any part of the country and list things that are different and the same, but for you? You’re coming from a different country, just about anywhere in the US will culturally be more like New England than the UK.

    But if you don’t want to think too hard, then the southwest and southern California is a good bet. Their original history is Spanish followed by American, rather than British and the geography is massively different than the forests you saw up north. Stick to historic areas and small towns for maximum difference. And national parks, of course.

  3. And Indian Reservation for sure. One for example is The Navajo Nation, also known as Navajoland, is a Native American reservation in the United States. It occupies portions of northeastern Arizona, northwestern New Mexico, and southeastern Utah; at roughly 17,544,500 acres (71,000 km2), the Navajo Nation is the largest land area held by a Native American tribe in the U.S.

  4. Maybe Oklahoma or Hawaii (Hawaii is probably the most unique culturally of all US states).

  5. Hawaii probably. Maybe Miami or other parts of south Florida. Las Vegas or other desert areas.

  6. In the continental US, that’s probably going to be the Southwest like Arizona or New Mexico. For all the United States, it’s definitely going to be our Pacific Island territories like the Northern Marianas Islands or Guam.

  7. I’m from the Midwest, and have vacationed in many parts of the US. I’d say Texas and New England are quite different, in terms of everything from scenery to food to architecture, culture, and politics.

  8. Either the desert Southwest or the deep South. Although since I live in New England and I’d prefer to go to the Southwest, I guess I’d have to say the deep South.

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