What lifestyle do you want to live?

  1. A cabin in the woods alone where I can have a little garden and hunt for meat and have peace away from this world.

  2. I would just choose my current life. It’s not perfect but I’m comfortable, sometimes it’s just best to be content in what you have and not worrying about what you don’t.

  3. Ideally, I want to be earning a good amount of cash from a remote job and travelling the world, fucking around.

  4. Right now – the one we do. Raising kids in a very good school system. I don’t mind working for now.

    In a decade – living in different places throughout the year, renting. Visiting family and friends, getting an extra room or two every place we rent and inviting friends and family to visit.

  5. Where I’m from we have a word for it, due to this being an old workers city as well as HQ for Volvo we just call it “The Volvo Life”.

    What that implies is a good wage, good working conditions, a good housing somewhere close to the sea and some smol kids to drive to soccer practice eventually. With the biggest worry in the world being the bosses snarky attitude.

    That’s what I want, I know I’ll never have it but yeah.

  6. Cabin in the woods with little stream nearby where I can do a spot of fishing and in a country where I can do some hunting. Surrounded by dogs with a few weed plants. Not entirely off grid, but if that was the price to pay I’d pay it.

  7. A passive income 1 where me and my gf don’t need to work and we get married and have lots of kids. I’m already almost done with the passive income 1 where we don’t need to work, after we get some things settled in we will get married and have kids.

  8. I want a wife and kids. I want to make enough money to go on vacations, I want to have a big garage full of my dream cars. I want to give my kids the best life I can.

  9. Pretty much how I live now but ideally with a 4 or even 3 day workweek. My apartment is big enough for me, I like the city where I live, I enjoy going out for drinks or live music and I don’t really care about material stuff. I enjoy having a somewhat modest lifestyle

  10. I want to live in an off the grid in a tiny beach bungalow. I’m allergic to half of everything in the woods so that’s out.

  11. I bought what I deem to be pretty close to my dream house with my wife last year (it’s not even anything huge, but it’s as close to our mid century style as we could get in our area). I love 80’s and 90’s cars, so I like to rotate through one or two of those at a time. I’m hoping if the next few years go well I can find some land Nd build nice shop to store a few cars in, travel some more, and just enjoy life.

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