What’s about being submissive in a partner that you find unattractive?

  1. I prefer a partnership of equals who each take initiative and responsibility for themselves and the relationship. There’s no point to me to be in a relationship with someone if I’m going to be carrying all of the load of responsibility alone.

  2. A lot. I am not submissive, and don’t want to deal with a partner who is. I have no desire or use for that dynamic.

  3. Submissive can be fun in some circumstances/settings, but outside of those specific occasions I want a partner. Not somebody aggressive, but also not a pushover. An equal.

    I don’t want to have to make all the decisions, and if he’s submissive to me all the time that’s probably not healthy for either of us. Plus, if he doesn’t know how to say no to me, he probably doesn’t know how to say no to others.

  4. Nothing wrong with finding that attractive ,however i wouldn’t be able to deal with it though. I would walk all over him if he isn’t able to stand his ground. I can be very dominant , so a partner that is just a tad more dominant than me would be best.

  5. It’s fine to be submissive sometimes, but I’m not interested in a relationship with a full time D/S dynamic, no matter which party is the submissive, I prefer something closer to a balanced and equal partnership.

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