TL:DR Overthinker hasn’t heard from a romantic interest in a couple days…

So I’ve (30F) been hanging out with someone (44M) about a month. We said we’d take it slow starting as friends but we had sex last week… but still don’t have a title which is fine but like I said our communication has shifted over the last few days. He said he’s working a lot more so I’m trying to be understanding. I haven’t heard from him since Thursday night and I’m feeling like maybe he’s pulling away. I had mentioned something about it that same day by saying how i felt about him not knowing if he could see… when he’s always made time for me. I said “Well… that’s not very idk. I know you’re working just thought it’d be easier on your off day. I could be off base, but has how you feel shifted?”
His response was, “I’m confused…i hear what you’re saying but it sounds like you’re doing what i said DON’T do…”

What he told me was to not overthink or over analyze. I mentioned that and told him I don’t mean to do that because that’ll just push him away. The opposite of what I’m trying to do.

Again, that was Thursday. There’s been nothing since. I sent a cute text today, a photo of me making a silly face saying that “Thinking of you. Checking in to make sure you’re okay because goofy goober misses you. U miss me yet?”

That was about 3 hours ago…

I could still be overthinking or is it safe to assume he’s done?

  1. had sex last week, communication shifted (faded) last few days, annoyance at your followup

    70% likelihood he’s done imo

  2. Escalation and reciprocation is my expectation.

    Usually a text a day is what I would expect. Although texts have no guarantee for quick responses.

    One of funniest ways I got dumped was because someone falsely accused me of ghosting them a couple hours after they asked me if I wanted to go exclusive by text and we’ve only been on 5 dates.

    I’m thinking, “I barely know you, it’s not been that long, and now I’m apparently given an ultimatum where I paused long enough to think about it to have the outcome decided for me. Oh well”

  3. Show me a pretty girl and I’ll show you a guy that’s tired of fucking her. Best to date other dudes

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