Because I have fordyce spots on my shaft and I hate them! How can I remove them? Has anyone here removed them?

And another thing, can you use a chemical peel on your penis? Cause I’ve noticed that alot of guys in porn have Smooth penises

  1. They fade similair to scars from what I’ve read but you can use tropicals like coconut oil. I’d be seriously careful with using it on the tip however.

    I used to use a shaft specific moisturizer ($$$) and it helped with blemishes but. Most women won’t car about spots my G

  2. You can use topical treatments to shrink or remove Fordyce spots like bichloracetic acid, topical tretinoin (Avita, Retin-A), and oral isotretinoin (Sotret, Claravis). They can have side effects like burning sensation or inflammation though. Talk with your doctor about it. You can also het them removed in an out patient surgery.

  3. Do not use any topicals on your genitals or groin without consulting a dermatologist. The skin there is not just sensitive, but thin: I made that mistake. It caused irreparable skin damage, resulting in cracking and bleeding

  4. Those are two words I would never have thought anyone would voluntarily use when discussing their penis – “chemical peel”.

    You’re talking about removing the surface of your penis with chemicals. We’ll be seeing you post in /r/whatcouldgowrong

    Honestly, lots of penises have them. They’re part of the landscape. You’re worried about nothing. Oh, I might remind you that porn isnt real life either. Don’t judge anything sex related by what you see in porn.

  5. As someone who’s had them since I was about 12 i’d say leave them alone. My penile skin is completely covered in them and always has been, I wouldn’t dream of putting chemical peel on such a thin sensitive area of skin!

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