I’m currently 14 and I am in in 8th grade.I am lonelier than I have been before. I have a few people who call me when they need something and that’s it. No one wants to hang out with or do anything with me. I’ve tried to make friends in the past and it’s never worked out. There are a few people that I could have been friends with but they ended up being weirdos. I’ve been lonely my entire life and I’ve never done anything about it. I’ It’s to the point where I feel like collapsing. I am sick of this and all I want is change.

  1. You still have time to make friends. High school is a great opportunity since everyone is new like you and wanting to make friends as well. I would say join any clubs/after school activities that interest you so u could meet ppl with similar interest.

  2. I was exactly like you when I was 14. I felt super self-conscious and like nobody ever wanted to be around me, and it was hell. At one point I got so fed up with who I was that I started focusing on myself and trying to be the best person that I could be. When you feel confident and comfortable in who you are, the rest falls into line. Keep going, you have great times ahead.

  3. If it’s any consolation, i don’t have any friends from my school days. All my few friends i have are from sport activities/ clubs. I grew up when playing games on a computer was something that could easily make you an outcast in society. Important is to learn from mistakes and knowing that if you find something that you can enjoy will attract the right kind of people..even if its only for a brief period in your life. Try out new hobbies, look for opportunities to learn from ppl that faced similar things. Try to make up your own opinion and give yourself the chance to grow. It might sound weird but sometimes not even around people you will stop feeling lonely. And when it comes to friends.. quality beats quantity every single day. Good luck!

  4. You’re just in the wrong crowd, most times people are like that then they do actually make friends after some time. Most people think they lack social skills but, Once they move to a new city or a new school (a new crowd) they actually get along pretty well a lot of times. Once you realize you just can’t get along with someone, simply suck it up and don’t try fit in a crowd you just don’t belong to, and no matter what you gonna do, that crowd just doesn’t fit your personality.

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