How do you recover from a messed up sleeping schedule after your period?

  1. Dont eat few hours before sleeping, try to put your alarm early, workout to be more fatigue for good sleep. Also some calming music helps 😊

  2. Focus on getting up the same time every day. Go to sleep when you feel tired. Get off your phone a few hours before bed.

  3. Maybe it’s just me, but I think it was sort of nice how in the Bible times women were relieved of all duties during their periods and men had to stay the heck away from them. 😆 That’s what I need….along with a pint of good quality ice cream, a plate of crispy bacon, stack of magazines, and one of those white noise machines that drowns out everything in the background. Pure bliss!

  4. In my experience, the only way to fix a wonky sleep schedule is just to drudge through. Set an alarm, stick to it, and after a few terrible days, you get used to it again.

  5. Keep a schedule, never deviate. Your body needs to count on a normal circadian rhythm. If you have trouble sleeping , try melatonin.

  6. I treat my weekend as recovery time every week, regardless. One day of my weekend is reserved as time for me to sleep more if I need, eat more if I need, move more if I need, be mindless more if I need, be more social if I need. Basically whatever the need is that I can’t fit into the week.

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