Took a 50 mg sildenafil the other night. It didn’t help. I did not get the hard erection I expected. Nothing more than a partial like I normally get. I waited 60 min and still had trouble. I waited a few hours after I ate. It was my first time. Should I try 2 next time.

Edit: this was during sexy time with the wife.

  1. ED medication only enhances the erection if you are aroused and will not give you one out of nowhere. Its main purpose is to increase blood flow. Often, the reason for impotence can be disinterest or stress.

  2. I usually take 2, but they are 20 mg tablets, so 40 total. About once out of maybe 8 times I’ve used it did it not do the trick.

  3. It can take a couple of times for you to notice the benefit. Especially if it’s been a while since you’ve been having problems. so yes try again. After eating a meal it may take longer. Just bear in mind you need to be aroused for it to actually work, and it works by promoting blood flow below.

    Defo try again, with or without your partner. If you’re uncomfortable about it watch some porn and try. But it doesn’t work for everyone and you can try one of the alternatives like tadalafil etc.

  4. I tried 50’s a few times and it worked off/on. I take 60 now and it’s a little more consistent

  5. Try getting hard by yourself without a pill. Then try a pill and getting hard by yourself. How does it compare? Sometimes being nervous will not allow you to get hard no matter what

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