How should I ask this girl out?

Asked this girl after class if she wanted to grab some lunch at our university. She agreed. So we chatted for a bit I got her number then she went home.

Thing is she is in my group for a group project we’re starting so dont want to make it uncomfortable for her if she wants to say no

Was thinking of texting her something like,

Hey if you’re interested Id love to take you out sometime. If not though, no worries. Just figured I’d ask before we get too deep into the project lol.

Any tips on better phrasing

Or should I wait till the next class to gauge if shes actually interested.

And yes I’m overthinking this and asking strangers on the internet what to do as a matter of procrastination. Don’t judge me too hard

  1. Let me just say that I’m thankful I asked this girl out AFTER our group project finished up

  2. “fair maiden, wouldst thou agreeth to partake in luncheon tomorrow?” *tips hat and winks*
    jk lol
    Did she give you her number for the project or were you talking about going out? If you guys were talking about going out then just shoot! Else, probably wait until project is over….

  3. Well, you got one step further than I ever did.

    When I started university, there was a girl I really liked in my project group as well. I think I did well to conceal my feelings, which at that time were still undeveloped and somewhat ambiguous.

    I asked her out to a platonic lunch, and she immediately suggested inviting her friend and that she didn’t want to get involved romantically. She skipped straight to the end and cut me off from forming a friendship because she always acted ice-cold towards me ever since!

    That shit basically broke me for three years and threw me off my studies. I’m still recovering from the emotional damage.

    That’s it, I have no advice. Except perhaps to take things *really* slowly and not bring up any mention of dates or relationships until she’s more comfortable around you.

    If you rush it, the situation might implode on itself. I rushed it because there was another guy who was better looking and a smooth-talker (that bloody guitarist Spaniard!!!) and I feared that he would suck the potential out of me. It made no difference in the end.

    I don’t think the timeline of the project has anything to do with it: in my case, we still did a really good job with our assignment despite the awkwardness. It was just the social exclusion from the work group the **second** after we received our grades that shook me to my core.

  4. If you like her, just SEND the text. The project will be done either way, so it doesn’t really matter. You’ll save yourself lots of overthinking, and who knows, maybe it’s to late when the project is done.

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