This hurts. I’m finally at a place in my young adult life where I’m starting to build a relationship with my dad again. I’m 26. He’s been addicted to pain killers since I was about 10, and he was completely cut off by the time I was 18. He’s sick now with COPD and I’m trying to build something with him. I can’t bare the thought of wasting years anymore.

Am I still angry? Yes. Is it still hard to be around him? Yes. He doesn’t treat me badly, but he is an addict. Who lives with another addict.

For some reason, I am friends with my dads neighbor on Facebook and she posted something about her fool of a neighbor being outside in his boxers and a T-shirt. Then I read the comments and someone chimes in saying oh that’s (my dad and his partners name), that’s crack!! And then they’re giggling about it to each other in the comments. Someone says “he’s known for his crackhead moves” and posts a picture of my dad sitting in a chair in his backyard with a box or something?

It hurt me so much. I feel protective of him. I don’t agree with his choices, but he’s not a crack head! He’s goofy and always has and there’s a real person in there. A father to a daughter. Someone’s son and brother. Who is hurting and suffering and I can’t stand that his neighbors are shaming him like this on the internet.

Didn’t know where else to vent. :/

TL;DR: my dads neighbors are calling him a crack head and posting pictures of him on Facebook. It hurts my heart.

  1. I’m sorry you had to through that. I think a good move would be to unfriend this neighbour. It doesn’t matter what these people think, what matters is your relationship to your father, and you don’t need to hear these hurtful things from people that don’t know him.

    I’m sure if you were to comment something about how that’s a real person and you’re ridiculing a serious mental health problem, they would bite their words and probably feel like shit. But that’s probably going to make you feel worse in the long run, so I wouldn’t do it. You can take solace in the fact that they’re worthless, and their opinions don’t matter.

  2. Takes one to know one. Plus, a myriad of prescription meds can cause said “crackhead” moves. Your neighbours sound like a bitter pills if they need to highlight other people’s struggles on Faceberg. Politely bring into focus the complete lack of personality they publicly dump upon themselves. Your dad will appreciate the high road. Eff those losers! Good luck

    Edit morning grammar

  3. I’m sorry. People suck. Unfriend the neighbor and maybe let your dad know his neighbors take pics of him and post them like that.

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