That’s what I believe anyway. Doesn’t matter who you talk to.

The worst is with woman though, will be targeted as a creep no matter what I do. Hate my looks and my resting bitch face.

  1. The weird ugly is subjective, so this doesn’t actually fly. One man’s trash is another persons treasure.

  2. The fact that ugly people exist is all the evidence you need that your premise is faulty, how are more ugly people being made year over year?

  3. I feel like a guaranteed way to fail in every social interaction you ever have, ever, is to believe that looks decide your status to people. There are millions of ways to wear clothing, make up, apply skincare, hair products, hair styles, fitness routines etc, etc, and all of those don’t even really matter because they all still fail people who feel ugly because it doesn’t matter if your mindset is poisoning you.

    How can you be confident if you feel this way about yourself?

    How can you have a real conversation with this kind of fear?

    What kind of life did you lead to come to the conclusion that nobody wants to talk to you because of your looks?

    I’ll be honest it just isn’t possible unless your attitude is the problem.

    Basically it sounds like you have decided that you don’t like a quality about yourself and have completely decided to let it take you over. Just don’t, you only have one life and it isn’t worth the time you have to just sit around hating yourself.

    Do mirror exercises for body image, practice having conversations about pop culture, try to find some co-ed activities and clubs without any intention of meeting anyone and just work on you.

    If you do that, and someone sees a confident, mentally healthy, and genuinely fun to talk to person I promise that you’ll have success.

    Edit: also the anti women sentiment is gross to even include and tells me without a doubt this is a mental health issue.

  4. well you could spend less time jacking off & complaining and more time working on yourself

  5. People follow the way you treat yourself. As long as you treat yourself as unattractive, so will others. Focus on becoming genuinely busy in your life on your hobbies and goals while interacting with others on the side. Level up in all areas of your life. You will build that much needed self esteem and confidence

  6. Saw your profile. You’re a good looking dude. You feel ugly cause you’re depressed probably.

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