F31- Old fling (M34) is trying to rekindle relationship with me. We haven’t spoken in almost 10 years and have probably grown alot. I was 21 at the time we were interested together so I was a party girl having fun. Fast forward to today and we matched on hinge! I enjoy talking to him and it sounds like weve both mentally and professionally grown in a similar way. But it reminds me so much of my past just talking to him. I almost feel guilty to myself bc i worked hard to seperate myself from my past life. We both recently got out of long relations (8 years for me). I told him I’m not sure what I am looking for at this time and he said he fully understands and wants me to be comfortable with where ever this goes or doesn’t. I’m not sure if I should continue to explore where this goes or if I should knock out earlier and continue on my path. I’m looking for advice or maybe if anyone can relate on something similar they’ve gone through

Tl:Dr: Old fling reached out and I keep thinking of my past even though he seems at ny same maturity level.

1 comment
  1. Why don’t you find out whether you’ve grown a lot, or not, before giving up? You’ve given no real reason not to move forward with him except vague fears. I say, if you enjoy talking to him, keep talking.

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