I can’t remember the exact words, but it comes from an older president probably in the early 1900s. It was a speech abut change, and the president was stating there are some people creating change for the sake of it. It didn’t matter to them if that change resulted in something better.

The president continues, saying that he supports change (about something, i dont remember it being stated in the excerpt i read) and that he is not one of those “change only for the sake of it” people.

Does anyone know which speech and who it was from? I want to say it was LBJ or FDR, but a quick search of “famous presidential speeches” didn’t give it. I suppose it may not have been widely famous.

  1. > but it comes from an older president probably in the early 1900s

    > I want to say it was LBJ

    The Ghost of LBJ is feeling offended by this terrible mischaracterization lol

  2. Man early 1900s..

    Names two president who peaked at the begnning third and final third of the century

    Probably Wilson if I were to guess based on your context clues. Wilson, Arthur, or Coolidge

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