I judge too much, i Seem arrogant. I apperantly try to be normal, i feel like everyone hate me even myself. I feel like i have narcissistic tendencies, i compare myself to other people. I Think about how my friendgroup is toxic and i dont get their homour because mine is immature. Im mature when im alone, im a good person who loves making others feel good. Im confident even thought i have low self esteem. I have psychiatrists now and a psychologist but its seems like nothing works. I have had a lot of bad social experiences and i get very easily jealous. I try to be the best version of myself, it feels like im desperate and people like me untill they meet me. I talk without facts and i seek attention. I try to not do all of these things, but im not perfect.

Its basically like i run on attention as my power source, my sexual trauma is even build on Extreme amounts of jealousy.

I have been depressed and i deal with severe anxiety and social anxiety. I find myself constantly hating on myself, almost like mu self Imagine is fragile, even though im better person than most people around me.

I Can empthasise and sympathise.

Why am i not Living up to my standards and how Can i get put of my narcissistic rut?

Im basically all the insulting words you Can find, Pls help me become better.

1 comment
  1. Ok, these are questions your psychologist should be helping you with. Are you discussing these things with them? You’ll need to have an honest relationship with the psychologist for them to be able to help you… especially if you’ve got some traumatic events in your past. Otherwise you’re both wasting your time.

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