So my boyfriend has this coworker and I do NOT like her. Maybe it’s the jealousy kicking in but I don’t like her. She’s a pretty girl I can admit to that, she acts a lot like him, and I just don’t feel comfortable.

His brothers birthday is coming up and I know he invited some of his “coworkers” out meaning I know she will be out there too. But I’m like if YOU KNOOW I’m uncomfortable about her why even invite her out??? Annnnd on top of things she knows his childhood friends and it bothers me bc I feel like she has more over me. Annnnd he told me that I didn’t even have to go to the party….he might me just thinking about me in that way bc I am SOOOO introverted I hate going out but it’s like in my head I’m thinking you don’t want me to go bc you want to hang out with her.

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