If a guy makes you a playlist, how seriously do you take the songs and their meanings? Do people just pick their favorite love songs, or is it specific to how they feel about you and the relationship? My (20f) boyfriend of a little over month made me an incredibly sweet playlist, but how much do I read into the songs on it? For example, one song is called “I love you”. He hasn’t actually said I love you yet, so I was surprised to see this song on the playlist. Sorry if this is a silly question, I’m new to all this relationship stuff. Thanks in advance everyone!

TLDR; my boyfriend made me a playlist, should I read into the meaning behind the songs on it?

  1. Ask him. Some people are that detail oriented. Some aren’t. We have no idea which category he falls in. Talk to him, not us.

  2. This is really variable from person to person. I would generally assume in the context of a relationship getting love songs was intended to convey that he cares about you. But I wouldn’t read too much into it. It also depends on what else is in the mix, because sometimes it is about sharing one’s favorite songs with someone you care about. I can’t help thinking about the Avenue Q song “Mix Tape” where one character is trying to interpret a mix tape, it has some loving songs, some songs about friendship and then,”I Am the Walrus, Fat-Bottomed Girls, Yellow Submarine – what does this mean?”

  3. I don’t think you should read into the titles or lyrics, he chose love songs for you. A month is too early for either of you to be saying I love you.

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