im always horny (female) and my boyfriend just isn’t that sexual :(( it’s upsetting me and making me question our compatibility, even though he makes me so so happy otherwise i can’t get it out of my head

  1. No easy fix with mismatched sex drives. If you’re not too far out of sync, you can accomodate by taking care of yourself with toys. This works for me and my wife.

    If it’s very out of allignment, polyamory could be an option but, as always, talk to your partner about how you feel and your needs.

  2. I understand your going through. Ever since my divorce I’ve dated around but remained single because I desire woman that has a high libido like myself.

  3. i feel this. have you tried getting him in the mood? foreplay? have you talked to him about it?

  4. It’s a complicated situation, in my relationship I’m the high libido and my gf is the low libido, when I’m stressed my sex drive sky rockets and when she’s stressed her sex drive goes to the ocean floor. I sometimes read r/deadbedrooms to try to empathize with the low libido side but therapy is what helps me the most.

    The most important thing is talking to your partner and understand each other’s feelings and needs and you might come up with a solution for it.

  5. I personally feel you should call it a day. A massive difference in sex drive will kill any relationship. And I think Poly / Open relationships will do the same. If you start going down that route you may as well stay single in ny opinion .

    Also have you actually spoken to him about it??? Cause if not you need to asap. You may find he didn’t realise you were feeling this way?! He may even step up!!!!

  6. Once a week compared to every day seems like a very big difference to me. Is he taking any antidepressants? Or other medication? Has he had a testosterone level test?

  7. This is one of the biggest problems in the relationship so mostly you have to get used to it. How long have you been together? Has it always been like this for him?
    He can check his testosterone level if it may be on the low side for example.

  8. Emotionally fit men have a lower sex drive usually, another thing also men find it difficult to have it if they are going through something in the relationship, does he feel safe? Trusted? Secure? Men need these appraisals too they can really help, same with reassurance. Alot of things can affect a mans sex drive.

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