Any suggestions or inputs welcome. My wife and I are in our mid thirties and have been together for over 10 years. Our sex life has been a little lacking lately and we’ve both gained a bit of weight recently. We got very real with each other and decided a fun motivating challenge would be to center our weight loss around some unfulfilled sexual fantasizes we still have. Stuff we have always talked about but never tried. Here is how the challenge works. Whoever gets to their goal first wins the reward for that tier.

Goal 1: Me (10lbs), Her (5 lbs)

If I win I get to share one of her photos from her boudoir photoshoot online or with a friend. If she wins I have to pay for the next photoshoot when the challenge is over

Goal 2: Me (20 lbs) (Her 12 lbs)

If I win I get to dress her up however I’d like for a night. If she wins I have to go to a nude beach with her

Goal 3: Me (30 lbs) Her (18 lbs)

If I win she has to flirt with a girl online via a dating app. If she wins she gets to flirt with a guy.

Goal 4: Me (40 lbs) Her (25 lbs)

If I win we have a FMF threesome or visit a sex club (her choice). If she wins we have a MFM threesome or I pay for a trip to a clothing optional resort (my choice)

Let me know what you think or if you have any good suggestions.

  1. I think this is the best thing I have ever heard from a weight loss program EVER. Yall are making it fun and challenging for both of you. The goals are reasonable and attainable, and account for the REAL world weight loss of men and women. Great job guys and im rooting for you my guy.

  2. I like the idea of goals, as long as you’re both okay with the rewards. If she doesn’t want a boudoir photo shared it shouldn’t be a reward for example.

    Also 3somes require a lot of planning and communication of what’s ok and what’s not. Otherwise you may end up with a dick in your mouth unexpectedly, but I know for some people that’s their thing.

  3. Well, I would personally not want to be losing, so I would try running or short workouts and invite her along so she remains “competitive.”

    Its very possible that one of you may gain a significant advantage after a while and be discouraged, so maybe re-evaluate the goals if that happens.

    Put some financial incentives in for “winner of the week” like money towards something the other person wants.

    I would also make a leaderboard.

    really great idea, I will share if I meet other couples in the future trying to get fit together.

  4. There is no way to enforce this in a healthy manner. A purely weight based competition that is about losing weight the fastest is just asking for an eating disorder.

    Getting healthier is a good goal but weight is not as one to one with health as you might think.

    I’d recommend just drinking more water, having a balanced diet, and regularly engaging in physical activities. Whatever your body is after that is just what your body is.

    If you’re still gung ho about it please please please be vigilant of you and your partners health.

  5. I honestly wish you both the best of luck with getting in shape. If you really both want to do these things you mentioned then I think you should try ALL of them when you hit your targets. However, Introducing a third person into your sexual relationship should not be done on the basis of winning or losing a bet.

  6. Be careful! Losing more than 2 lbs a week can be pretty bad for ya, it’s much healthier to go a bit slower. Also the math for losing weight would be the same for guys and gals, though easier for whoever is heavier at the moment, so somebody may have an unfair advantage!

  7. From a health standpoint, this is a bad idea.

    *weight* Isn’t the best metric to use because the more you exercise, the more you build up lean muscle mass.

    That’s good, but it throws off the actual weight levels, and you’ll likely have an easier time of it, what with the extra testosterone. This would place an unhealthy burden on her psychologically.

    Try doing body fat percentages instead, or more even fitness feats (like improving how many situps you can do, just as an off the cuff example).

    Nothing wrong with competitive play like that, if that’s what works. But I might also suggest that you make each thing *rewards* instead. As each of you meets a fitness goal, you win your part of things. Which, that means you both win twice 🙂

  8. Is your wife bi? If not, I think your reward of her flirting with an unsuspecting gay woman on an app is really messed up.

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