I’m wondering how to exit a conversation, like when you are walking somewhere and someone randomly comes up to you and starts a conversation but you really need to GO like now how do you let them know without being rude? Also another thing about exiting conversations how do you exit a phone call smoothly in any circumstance?

  1. “I need to go now”. Optionally add, if applicable: “was nice talking to you”. It’s not rude to let other party know that you don’t have any more time/attention available. However it’s impossible to prevent them from _thinking_ that it’s rude, especially if they’re used to people accomodating them no matter what.

  2. Put your hands in your pockets, look down towards your feet, nod a lot, and tilt your shoulder in the direction you want to exit and break away.

  3. I got to use the restroom, brb.

    Can I grab you a drink?

    Oh shoot I got to go pick up ___ from ___. Nice catching up with you. We should do it more often.

    I got to check on ____, it was so nice talking to you!

    I think I left my phone in the car.

    Let’s go see what’s so & so are up to.

  4. I usually look at my watch or a clock and say “oof well I guess I better get back to it. Nice talking to you!”

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