1. Yes! I love it, tastes brown. Its just such as hassle having to order it over the internet

  2. I had marmite when i was in the UK, but I’m not sure how similar it is, though I was told by the restaurant’s wait staff it was more or less the same thing. (“That bloody Australian shite” as one of them put it)

    Personally I was not at all a fan of its’ rather strong and unique taste, though after talking to various folks about it, you either love or hate it with no real in-between.

  3. Yes and yes. It was fine. Nothing I would choose, but if I was served it I’d eat it.

  4. I’ve had marmite. Yes I ate it properly, and it’s very tasty. I’d guess its similar to vegemite? I’d be open to trying it

  5. I didn’t care for it as a spread, no matter how sparingly I used it, but it’s good way to add a little salty umami flavor to soups and sauces too.

  6. Yes: in college in the 80s we had an annual “international fair” and students from abroad would all set up a booth to present their country/culture. One of my classmates was an Aussie and of course he had Vegemite. It was not very popular. That once was plenty for me too.

  7. Yeah and it’s gross as shit… let’s rephrase. We got pranked into putting it on our nose when I was in Australia and got immediately traumatized. Admittedly it was a funny ass prank

  8. My wife likes marmite so we have it sometimes. Similar to that picture we apply it sparingly. I don’t know how different Vegemite is from Marmite, but I can understand how people like it, but don’t really care for it

  9. Yes, years ago. I was teaching ESL in Japan and one of the Australian teachers traded vegemite toast for a peanut butter and jelly (actually I like jam so it was jam) sandwich. It was decent. He gave me a small jar and I ate it a couple more times but I didn’t develop a craving for it. As I recall, you need a decent amount of butter on the toast and don’t go to thick with the vegemite. It was salty but I don’t mind that. I would try it again, but wouldn’t go out of my way to get it.

  10. Yes, it was awful. My friends family hosted a foreign exchange student from Australia when we were in HS & she brought some with her. It was not good.

  11. Yeah. I spread a very thin layer on toast. I guess it’s something you have as a kid and it’s comforting. To the uninitiated, I was nonplussed.

    I used the rest of the jar as an additive for stews and soups and stuff.

  12. I’m aware of the correct way to eat vegemite and have tried it, but plain buttered toast is better.

  13. Yeah; I have some in my kitchen. I put it on buttered toast. Sometimes I stir some into soup. I don’t really care what Aussies do; they put unmelted butter on cold sandwiches so they are not to be trusted.

  14. The only thing I hate about vegemite is how hard it is to find in stores.

    I love the stuff but I’m in a constant state of rationing.

  15. On our tour bus in Australia, Vegemite was used as a punishment for being late to the bus. Whoever was late had to eat the little breakfast size portions straight from the container. Didn’t happen to me but did try a little on toast one morning.

  16. The only thing I know about vegemite is that while shopping for bread in Brussels, men that are 6 foot 4 and full of muscles may respond to you asking them if they speak your language by smiling and giving you a vegemite sandwich.

  17. Wife is Australian. I really enjoy keeping it in the house for when friends visit to give them a taste of australia.

    As for me… it’s okay. Idk, maybe if I had it for a while I could see how it would grow on me. For now, I just like to watching people try to not puke it out

  18. I like it on toast with butter and a slice of cheddar. It tastes salty and gives me soy sauce vibes.

  19. I got some mailed to me. I love it and I usually put even more than the Aussie pic is showing. I’ll even eat a little straight out of the jar sometimes

  20. My partner is Australian. So, I’m aware of the protocol. I have not tried it though because I’m a picky eater/great big pain in the ass.

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