I’m a 21 year old Latino, though I will say I look younger than my actual age (about 18 or 19). I can’t grow a “full set” of facial hair (yet at least) … though I am starting to slowly produce gray hairs.

Can’t help but notice the gray strands standing out in a jumble of pitch black hair strands

I don’t think I mind it too much, though I just want y’all’s opinions. I also don’t think I’ll ever dye my hair. Thank you!

  1. In my forties. Completely gray now.

    When I get it cut I get told people pay money to get it this color. My advice is just wait.

  2. Mine was the same like yours. I do have a beard. I got a white racing stripe in it!!! I say embrace it! But if it bothers you, dye it.

  3. I’m 28 and look 19 – early 20’s when shaved and I’m starting to get a few white hairs on my head and more on my face. I have no intention of ever dying my hair so I kinda just accepted it. People haven’t noticed from what I can tell.

  4. early 50s.. gray beard/side burns.. ball hair.. chest hair a bit.. but head hair is still not gray. Still dirty blonde. No clue why. Thankfully being in tech.. when I shave.. it helps me look younger than I am thank God.

  5. I just hit 40 and I have not yet started going gray. My dad didn’t start going gray until he was in his 50s or 60s. He’s 70 now and he still isn’t fully gray.

  6. I had 7-10 strands when i was 23, now im 25 and i still have around 7-10 strands.

    And yes, gray wolves can still look good, so long as your not balding

  7. Had strands in my 30s from over work. The wife likes to pull my occasional strand. But that’s about it.

  8. I’m 37 and Latino, started noticing grays when I entered my early 30s. They were lightly sprinkled around my head and I was able to pluck a few out every now and then. However, within the last 2 years there’s been a few more, hair is still mostly black but have a few grays on my side. I personally don’t mind them. I sport fade haircuts and they blend in nicely. Starting to see a lot more grays in my beard too, which I’ve also embraced.

  9. Almost 41, no grey head hair. Occasional grey beard hair. I think I’ll look good with grey when it happens but most men in my family don’t get any until their 60s. My dad is 65 with jet black hair and only a couple greys.

  10. I’m 30 and still have no gray hairs or balding 🤷‍♂️

    People say I look like I’m early 20s.

  11. Got my first grey hairs at 22 and my beard only fully grew when I was 25. Also have black hair but why would I care about a few streaks of white. I’m not going to waste my money on any dye.

  12. I was 18 when someone first told me I had grey hairs. 45 now, totally grey/silver. Never cared enough to try dyeing it. Glad I didn’t start losing it at 18 like some!

  13. I found my first white hairs when I was 13 and a half, but it didn’t get really noticeable until my late twenties.

  14. I started at 17, heavy on the sides by the time I was 18 and almost completely gray now at 41.

    It took a long time for the top and back to turn but now it finally has.

    I get told it looks good so I don’t worry about it.

  15. I started getting a couple white hairs in my beard in my early 20s but not enough to worry about. I’m 35 now and have a lot of visible white hairs in my otherwise dark beard but I’m cool with it. I’ve got a bunch of random red and some blonder hairs mixed in as well but it’s still mostly black. I’m bald and keep my head shaved but when I leave it for a week or two I can see lots of white and grey in the stubble.

  16. Right around 40. Started in my beard and then everywhere else.

    I am dark blonde so depending on the light I might look like I’ve got none, or a ton of grays.

    My daughter once suggested I shave and color my hair because I looked like a grandpa…which I did for her – and then like a week later she said to go back to the way it was 😂

  17. I started going grey in my late 20’s / early 30’s. Just embrased it ant let it go. I’m almost 50 now and I like it. I’m not worried what others think, it’s my body and I’ll do what I like with it

  18. Started thinning and going gray some at 21, buzzed it all off and it’s stayed that way mostly.

  19. Who cares what people think, my friend? God made you perfect, just be yourself. Hell, I don’t care what people think of me, never have.

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