I’m 28F. He is 34M. I’m currently chatting with this English man for a month now and we’re supposed to meet next week cos he’s coming to my country. We have flirted a lot in chats, video call and talk about life and all that getting-to-know stage. Calls me babe and then suddenly tonight he called me “bro”?! Like what the fuck does that mean?

  1. They would yeah, but it’s unattractive as hell especially when it’s a man in his 30s.

  2. Brains work by ‘pigeon holing’ names for things into categories. It’s why parents often mix up the names of their kids when calling to them.

    You’re in the pigeon hole of people he likes enough to call ‘bro’. This is probably a good thing.

    Don’t overthink it, it’s not a big deal. If you become closer then tell him you found it weird/funny that one time he called you bro.

    This isn’t a dealbreaker, don’t let it stop you pursuing something with him if you like him.

  3. “Bro” or “fam” bug me. It’s for people I view as friends only. I think I mentioned it once to a guy. They laughed it off until I returned the favor and also called them that which I think woke them up a bit.

  4. My FWB calls me bro sometimes. I told him it’s not cute. He says it’s just a figure or speech and it’s more like an exclamation. Like whoa or wow! Regardless he doesn’t say it around me anymore. 😂😂

  5. I call people I love bro but I also am not a very romantic/sexy woman. So it wouldn’t bother me but I can see how it would bug you

  6. “Bro” doesn’t mean you’re friendzoned. Guy or girl. It just means the person calling you that is cool. Prolly wears a backwards hat. That’s how they let you know how chill they are. Look for any hip hand gestures too. Like the sign for “hang loose”.

  7. I accidentally call my GF bro all of the time. I’m not even thinking when it happens. I just do it sometimes. 🤷🏻‍♂️ You’re overthinking this OP.

  8. Presently bro has become a common word to address close people. It is not like he is bro-zoning you or something, if that even applies to you. It is just a phrase, don’t think too much about it.

  9. I do that when I’m really comfortable with the person. Like superbly comfortable. I’ve had women express displeasure though so I’ve become a bit aware of it.

  10. Really depends on the context. But from what I can guess, sounds like he’s getting comfortable enough around you to talk in a way that is less formal that he usually uses amongst friends and people he’s close to.

    Still, he should know better than call someone he’s romancing that lol

  11. I’m in south florida and everyone calls each other bro. My ex and i always called each other bro.

  12. Yes. In fact that’s what I’m looking for is a girl that lets me call her dude. I think it’s hilarious. Plus if she’s down with it it means she has a good sense of humor.

    I had a platonic relationship with this one girl in college where I called her dude once when we first met and idk if she’d never been called that before or whatever but she would get all riled up and call me “cupcake” and “babe” in return. I’d purposely call her “bruh” and we’d get into a flirtatious roast match all the time.

    Lmao we had great banter if she didn’t have a boyfriend I’m pretty sure we would have hooked up.

  13. I’d be more worried about “you’re so sweet” or “wow you’re so nice” than that I think

  14. In the Air Force pilot/rated community, bro is a generic term for someone who isn’t a tool. It’s not gender specific.

    Be a bro.

  15. 35M – lightly sarcastic flirting IMHO. He knows you don’t want to be called bro but it’s light hearted teasing.

  16. I mean, I sometimes call my man “bro” if we’re getting into a debate and I still think he’s the sexiest guy on the planet. He has also called me bro in moments.

    I wouldn’t worry too much, lol.

  17. Yes. People complain that I mess up their pronouns when I even fuck up the basic He/She. I have only just recently gotten to the point that I can tell right from left without doing the “L” sign with my hands, and yes, I even call cute girls “bro” sometimes. I’m grateful that I’ve at least never called a guy “babe,” but then again I guess that come from never having had a “babe.”

  18. Tbh I think I would also be the type to call my SO “bro” from time to time. It’s just a habitual thing, so sometimes you often get it mixed up. I used “bro” on my dad sometimes lol.

  19. Each to their own. I don’t mind when my partners say that as bro means mate in my dictionary but he’s probably subconsciously trying to lower your expectations.

  20. Depends on the guy, I am engaged to mine, we live tigether and we still call each other bro.

  21. I call the love of my life “bro” without thinking, as i feel we are are best friends alongside lovers. The term signals closeness on both fronts (which can only get akward during sex “go faster bro” xd).

  22. It was probably an accident. Happens all the time.

    I’d recommend just relaxing and enjoy each otheras company.

    If he keeps doing it and you find it is apart of his vernacular, just let him know.

    “Hey, I don’t like to be called bruv, I deserved to be called babe or baby.”

    You can be flirty and keep it light. No need to make it bigger than it already is.

  23. It’s short for “bro-ohhhh baby, I can’t wait to go on a date and hit it off with my American love of my life”

  24. Maybe? I don’t know the guy in question, so you’re going to have to ask yourself for personal context. Does he say bro a lot? Does he call everyone, or almost everyone bro? Aside from calling you bro the one time, has all of your other interaction led you to believe that he’s interested, or just fucking around and being playful?

  25. Yeah like you’re a woman why is he calling you bro? I’d be annoyed. Men like to think it’s somehow a gender neutral term but it’s not.

  26. Drove me crazy when my ex called me “bruh.” I had to tell him to knock it off cause im his gf, not his guy friends 😒

  27. It’s anecdotal, but I met a girl and we started calling each other bro on the first date.

    Four years later and we are engaged

    Turns out she just kinda panicked and didn’t know what to call me so she went with bro

  28. I was talking with a girl once and it slipped out. I could tell she didnt like it and it probably turned her off from me a bit

  29. IMO you are reading far too hard into an off the cuff three letter casual nickname.

    If you don’t like being called that, you can communicate to him that you would prefer he doesn’t use it. If you want him to tell you what he meant by it, you can ask him what he meant by it. The thing those two things have in common are: you communicating effectively with him. None of us here can tell you what’s in his head.

  30. definitely break up with him theres no other really option. i mean he called u bro….. like what the fuck does that mean?

  31. I call my girl bro all the time. She hates it but I love her. No big deal just means he’s comfortable with you. Make it make sense

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