We’ve kissed on both dates and cuddled/slept at her place, but haven’t had sex yet.

  1. Aww so sweet. Make sure she’s not allergic but I’m allergic but still will be thankful. She’ll be happy with the thought/effort

  2. Go for a small potted plant instead, ask someone at the nursery to help you pick one. Flowers are nice but they don’t last long and get pretty ugly in the process.

  3. I bring my girlfriend flowers just because I feel like it. Anyone who likes flowers, loves this. Bring the right size.

    For home I’d bring Lillys, sunflowers, bigger stalks to set.

    If you’re out and about bring smaller bouquets that can be carried easily

  4. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

  5. Do it.

    She’ll love it. Trust me.

    Tip: It doesn’t even have to be an expensive bouquet. If you find a random pretty flower and gave it to her, it would probably have the same effect 🙂

  6. Yes, simple, small, and thoughtful with a vase. Just make sure she isn’t allergic or anything. A simple “do you have any known food or environments allergies?” add “that I don’t know of” if you’ve been told about some.

  7. Bring her, her favorite candy, ice cream or sweets, to help her feel better after a long day/week as well.

  8. yes. just say that you are sorry she had a tough week at work and hopefully these help make the week better.

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