About a year ago my crush broke up with her boyfriend and started flirting with me. I asked her out on a date and she stopped, telling me she wanted to be single and probably realizing she was flirting with me to cope with the break up.

I still have a crush on her and she’s still single. We live very far away from each other and would only hangout twice per year but every time she’d seem to enjoy it and express a desire to see me more. Recently we hung out, as usual it was fun but later on in the night she started giving me shit bc I used to be pretty socially awkward and mostly talk about comic books then started asking me about what I wanted to do in the future. I very overtly told her that I wanted to see her more often, she didn’t really make eye contact but agreed that she would when I got my drivers license. I passed my driving test and asked her to hang out and she agreed.

I feel like it’s obvious to her friends that I like her, one of her friends started fucking teasing me for asking for her number (we talk through social media) saying “Hey, looks like I got her number before you!” It seems like she knows I like her but isn’t creeped out by it, she seems to mostly treat me in a gentle manner. She also just gave me her hoodie? She was thrifting her clothes so she was selling them but I mean, idk. We really don’t see each other in person at all but she appears to be willing to see me more frequently now that I have a car. Does it seem like I’m being led on or is she just skeptical and doesn’t want to start anything unless she gets to know me better and can hang out more than once a year? It is bothering me, idk if I should move on or if there is something there.

  1. >We live very far away from each other and would only hangout twice per year

    Move on. There’s no reason to handicap yourself to such an extra degree.

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