I’ve realized I don’t think I’ve had a crush on anyone in a good few years. I find many people attractive, if I’m out and about I’ll always see people I think are attractive. But when it comes to people I know, I never really feel like I like anyone in that way. I’m wondering, how do you guys tell when you have a crush on someone?

  1. I’m thinking and talking about that person without meaning it. Also i get a funny feeling in the stomach(the butterflies) when i see her or even talking through messages. And i like her even when she does something that annoys me.

  2. Haven’t had a crush since hs tbh. Like you I find a lot of people attractive but I think I feel more lust then..a crush nowadays. I’d probably end up crushing if I get to know them tho

  3. With me it’s I can’t stop smiling when I’m around them and I get a little nervous around them and my heart beats faster

  4. Hmmmmm… If you find yourself completely ignoring everything around you when she’s talking, if you feeling comfortable around her. Can’t wait to see her. And if you go to the place where you know she’ll be and feel that little funny sensation in the stomach. Yeah, I could go on. I currently have a crush on someone

  5. I think about them often, I smile when I receive their texts, I make plans in my mind about things to do with them (trips etc.), I want to see them smile

  6. when you can’t stop thinking about them, paying attention to the small things they do, when just looking into their eyes makes you smile and them just existing makes you want to live again. Okay I mean that’s love. So this, on a smaller scale.

  7. Do you catch yourself smiling thinking about them? Probably means you got a little something there…😂

  8. This is one of those “you’ll know when it happens” situations imo. Many of the other commenters here have already mentioned things to expect. I know when I’m around the woman I’m crushing on, I feel a way that I’m not used to feeling (similar to your situation, I’ve not crushed on anyone for years). It’s honestly difficult to describe what exactly that feeling is cause it’s unlike anything else, but it’s a pretty amazing feeling honestly!

    And I can also imagine having a crush can feel different for different people as well. So really, you gotta ask yourself, have you felt a unique way towards someone before? Do you think it could be/is a crush? What does your gut say?

  9. When they are in your thoughts a lot. You want to be around them and look forward to seeing them. You’re excited when they message you.

  10. Relationships are complicated.. The problem with you if you don’t know your own mind and heart.. And I can take time:: There’s only two emotions in life Love and fear.. People are driven by both.. But Love never fails.. It’s conquers anything no matter how difficult situation gets even death.

  11. I get butterflies. Everything around me gets toned out when she’s talking. Can’t stop thinking about her

  12. Usually crush happens with new people when you meet them for the first time, and then after you keep thinking about them ,you want to see more often

  13. When I want to spend time with them. When I think they are handsome/beautiful. When I want to care for them and share my life with them.

  14. It’s a little tough to explain, but my view of having a crush on someone basically involves someone you regularly see somewhere who you’re into, who is unavailable (e.g. a married person or someone of a different sexual orientation) or who you meet in a setting where it would be tricky to ask them out, like somewhere you’re conducting business.

  15. It would be someone I see regularly, either bc she’s cute or just has a really cool personality. Lately I haven’t really developed any crushes bc im moreso just asking women out before they have the chance to friendzone me, and for me I usually just have crushes on women who I’m already friends with bc well always be hanging out.

  16. In my veiw a crush is kid stuff but as an adult i don’t fixate on people.

    I think a large part of it and growing as man that overtime we look beyond just skin deep.

    Idk about you but maybe its part of have a few bad dates that youll drop the idolizing.

    Just opinions and personal experiences from a rando on reddit, narc queens have tons of worms crushing over you lolz

  17. I do, I love my team lead, she is 40 but doesn’t know. She is smart, cute, and knows what is right. Very hard worker and her dedication for the job goes beyond just the paycheck.

    She is divorced, but no kids, likes dogs and have 2 of them, she does hate people who don’t agree with her understanding on life.

    She doesn’t do makeup, or very colorful, all I got to see her with stacked jeans and shirt, she doesn’t wear bra.

    I am keen, if I tried to get close to her, I will lose her friendship and my job 😅

    Her marriage was a nightmare for her once asked her if she will get married again, said no.

    She is way far away from me, the furthest star to feel its warmth.

  18. Depends on the relationship you two do have like if you get to interact with them somehow and if when it doesn’t happen you feel it and miss it it’s probably a crush

  19. Trust issues become a social barrier, so even if you had those feelings you wouldn’t entertain them for long enough to matter. Crush is such an accurate word because it puts pressure on the situation, and with too much pressure things break.

    If they’re interested in you and you enjoy their company, it’s not hard to know if you like them enough to date. If you aren’t into them, that’s okay too just be honest about it.

  20. Men are not looking for a crush they are looking to click. Someone they can be themselves around and the person likes them for who they are. Not what they want them to be. Nothing worse than to see a man manipulating himself to confirm to her beckoning call because she has what he wants. Bluhh….. Want a pretty boy agree with everything he does. Want a rich man leave him alone and uplift him when he is around. Want a smart man support him and push him to do better in a positive way. Want a sex buddy be outspoken and flirty. We don’t have crushes we have reactions on how you act towards us. Most men will take their past experiences and put them to play and try them on you. It’s up to you to guide him in the direction you want it to go. It’s not hard either a little positive persuasion goes a long way.

  21. Cannot stop thinking about her and overanalyzing literally every interaction you two had to she if she likes you back.

  22. It’s like when you’re around your friends but with a little extra feeling of wanting to Hugh and kiss that person, and maybe touch their butt 😋

  23. When I hear a text message or email come in and find myself getting excited to check it in the hope it’s from them.

  24. I find myself trying to find excuses to be near them, and when I am, everything else in the room fades into the background.

  25. I just have had one. I could know it bc I feel different when I was with her or when something happened to her, I just remember feel nervous just having her on my side, be able to obey her without complain too much just to make her happy (even when I didnt obey almost any of my classmates) , I loved her smile, her voice, her mindset, make her laugh, enjoyed hanging out with her not like with other girls, so is just like you feel different when you are with her and you feel happy when you are with her.

  26. When you’re excited to see them next, when their voice is really easy to listen to and find in a crowd, and the way you feel after talking to them is almost euphoric

  27. When we hookup a couple months and I’m still attracted to she as if it was the first month.

    Or when we start to play video games on the couch while eating cheat meal and making fun lol

  28. Theres this coworker that I’ve worked with for the past year. Originally I never even thought about dating her until a couple weeks ago. But I knew I had a crush on her the moment I saw her laugh at a dumb joke. Like. The hysterical kind of laugh that produces zero sound. I dont know what happened but I was instantly attracted to her.

    She busts my balls at work all the time and I every time I talk to her I get all mesmerized and keep glancing at her mouth/lips. I dont think she knows I’m crushing so hard on her but my other coworkers have noticed just by how I treat her compared to everyone else. Its just natural how I gravitate towards her.

  29. Usually I get this primal urge and I return to being a caveman. Has happened about twice in my life haha.

  30. You can’t stop thinking about them. They’re constantly on your mind. You dream of a life together. You think about starting a family with them. You’re smitten by them. You don’t want them to be with someone else (not out of selfishness, but out of pure infatuation). You act differently around them when they’re in your presence. You’re filled with joy and bliss but afraid to show it out of fear of rejection. You just happy thinking about them.

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