“You’re super attractive and unlike most attractive guys I’ve met you seem like a really interesting and nice person, I just didn’t feel much of a romantic connection”

Is the takeaway that I should’ve been squeezing her thighs and throwing innuendos into every sentence and doing more to show my overt sexual interest in her? It was only the first date though

I can’t think of what else would lead someone to reject somebody they find physically and emotionally attractive.

I wasn’t behaving like a celibate priest either, I made some flirtatious remarks and we hugged, I sat next to her etc but didn’t go in for the kiss because I didn’t feel it necessary and thought for sure we would see each other again since we seemed to get on really well.

I know there’s no point dwelling in it but I’m curious for future reference too

  1. Just move on dude. She didn’t like something about you and politely told you she wasn’t interested. There’s a lot worse outcomes.

    It could be a million things. Maybe you smelled like her brother or she got asked out by her crush earlier, or didn’t like some part of your personality, or took a vow of celibacy for pumpkin spice season, or her car just died, or you sat on chocolate and had an awkward stain, or she has terminal cancer, or whatever other reason she has in living a complicated, modern life.

  2. Why do y’all on her beg for ppl to give you a reason why they reject you and then not listen when they tell you? lol

    >”You’re super attractive and unlike most attractive guys I’ve met you seem like a really interesting and nice person, I just didn’t feel much of a romantic connection”

    OP, she views you as **attractive** but isn’t **attracted** to you. That’s what’s happening. You can see something or someone that a lot of folks would find alluding but not drawn to it yourself? Same thing. Tons of men on here cry about how hot Thor is. You think all those dudes wanna screw em too? Prolly not lol

    Stop getting lost in over analyzing your actions. It’s just gonna spin up your anxiety. She just didn’t dig you that way. That’s all.

  3. you have no game bro. learn to be seductive. and no that doesnt mean; ‘throwing inuendos into every sentence’ and ‘squeezing her thighs’

  4. > Is the takeaway that I should’ve been squeezing her thighs and throwing innuendos into every sentence and doing more to show my overt sexual interest in her

    Not necessarily, but maybe. It’s possible she was expecting you to make more of a move than a hug, and/or you just didn’t really turn her on. Or maybe she just doesn’t feel your personalities mesh well. Who knows, there’s a bunch of possibilities, not worth dwelling over too much

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