im finally attending in-person classes at my university after 2 years (was halted because of pandemic) and im terrified.

i’ve been pretty much outcasted in high school so i should be pretty much used to being alone but im not. im so afraid to go because i know i’ll just be alone for the whole day and i’ll just be awkward at group activities and shit.

my block has already formed their own groups throughout the duration of online classes and i, as a boring person, was left behind as usual. so i just know that approaching any of them right now is probably too late.

i dont know if this makes sense at all im just typing whatever comes to my mind because im literally on the verge of panic attack. i know i shouldnt stress on something this minor but i cant help it. im sorry.

  1. i’m currently an anxious shy student surviving in-person classes. for myself, i don’t mind being alone/not having class friends, because at the end of the day, classmates are just circumstantial. unless they live close to you or have the same social schedule as you, you most likely won’t see them outside of class, or ever again after graduation. if it’s more comfortable for you, just keep to yourself and get through school. and if you must have a partner for a project or a discussion, find another other shy person, because i’m sure you’re not the only anxious/shy person in that class. and don’t worry about appearing “awkward”—most people are too in their own heads w their own insecurities to even notice. best of luck!

  2. Read about self-image. Work on it.

    Also, they are just people. All of them are focused on themselves just like you. The more you truly learn to look at them as equal, the less you’ll get scared of or intimidated by them.

    Nothing is too late. That’s just you agreeing with what your weakness says. I’m an introvert and shy person. When I changed my high school back in the day, everybody already knew each other FOR YEARS. Yet, I still made good connections and have shared my years with them.

    Attack on your weaknesses. Don’t run away

    Also stop saying sorry when you haven’t done anything wrong

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