I was under the impression that you were suppose to be more horny in your teens and early 20s but honesty back then I could of cared less about sex and now in my late 20s (basically 30), it’s all I think about. Can anyone explain this to me. I’m also a woman if that matters.

  1. My gf & I have an incredible sex life but I still masturbate multiple times daily. I’ve always had a high sex drive but it seems to have increased as I got older.

    Are you in a relationship at the moment? Maybe now that you’re older you’re hornier because you’re more in tune with your body

  2. I have a very high drive but it has definitely increased in my 30a compared to my 20s. Definitely hornier now than before

  3. I’ve found women get very horny and adventurous around the age of 30. It’s when quite a few decide they want and are entitled to more from life and go in search of a new life.

  4. Maybe you became comfortable enough to fully relax and now your sex drive is surging as a result.

    Or after having lots of good sex, you desire more than before.

    Could be related to lifestyle.

  5. Believe me it gets worse, not that getting even hornier is a bad things. As you get older your tastes and desires change. Enjoy the ride, so to speak

  6. Idk where you heard that or how you got that impression, because (as a guy) I’ve always definitively heard (and experienced) that women get more horny in their 30s. “Your dirty thirties” certainly applies to men and women, but definitely more so for women. You’re probably confused, and are thinking about what is generally true for men: They do tend to be more horny in their teens, and it calms down over time as they age. But women… i’ve always heard, and personally experienced, women get way extra horny compared to usual as they approach and are in their 30’s. So seriously.. idk where you got the impression that you have.. because it was always common knowledge and widely talked about growing up, that women get more horny around 30… and it has bore out as true, now that I am in my mid 30’s.

    Its likely a hormonal / biological clock thing. Your body makes you extra horny the closer to get to losing your fertility, to make sure you pro-create as much as possible before its too late. Its just a basic evolutionary adaptation to ensure the survival of our species.

  7. Absolutely wild for it now with my partner. Also late 20sF. Thankful he’s just as horny as I am

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