What’s it like leaving everything behind and starting fresh?

  1. it’s scary, challenging, difficult and sometimes heartbreaking, but it’s usually for the best.

    I have done it and I don’t regret it at all

  2. I’ve moved up to Mackay from Melbourne to be with a woman.
    The relationship didn’t work out but I love the place so I’ve got no regrets. It’s laid back and easy going which is the opposite of Melb so ill be staying. Yes it’s a huge change & I do miss certain things from Victoria and its been lonely at times.
    Best thing I’ve done overall so if you’re considering it yourself go for it.

  3. Freeing freeing freeing. Perspective on the past and present catches up with time. Discoveries will surprise you, as will how you truly feel or felt about things (especially what you left). Challenges will also not be quite what you expect. There’s a feeling of “two timelines” or two lives you could be living, especially if you maintain contact with people from your previous life. You will miss things about your past life you don’t expect.

    If you’re bold, self-aware, and willing to meet your own needs, leaving everything is easier and more rewarding than staying in a bad or “stuck” situation (imo).

  4. In my early 20s, i moved from the east coast to San Francisco with no plans and not a lot of money. It was an objectively stupid decision that changed everything. It turned out to be the best choice i ever made. Many years later, i can actually say I’m happy and my life is in a state beyond my wildest imagination.

    Change is scary, but it can be necessary to grow and find happiness.

  5. It’s terrifying at first but also freeing.

    I wasn’t sure if I’d make it or where life would take me. But I knew it was better than staying the course

  6. Freeing. I was so excited and so glad I had the space to grow into a more well rounded person! I couldn’t wait to get out of my home town and I’m thankful every day that I did.

  7. Terrifying and exhilarating all at once. I left everything and everyone I loved (except my dog) at 22 to take a job abroad. The first 6-8 months I was on an emotional rollercoaster of huge changes, the homesickness was the worst and I questioned my decision to move often. Once I began to adjust to the differences in culture and my day to day life, I began really enjoying the new experiences and adjusted.

    It’s been over 5 years since I moved and I’ve grown and matured in ways I never would have had I stayed where I was. I have zero regrets.

  8. Not easy and sometimes makes you feel lost, but sometimes necessary. It’s a great chance to really find your true self, leaving behind also the parts of you that don’t belong to you anymore. I moved to several countries and every time the experience is as challenging as it is enriching.

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