My husband & I have been together since college. We both loved to party & a large portion of our relationship was toxic due to alcohol abuse. I sobered up after having our firstborn in 2019, but his drinking actually got worse & spiraled out of control.

Toward the end it got very scary, to the point where i went to stay with my mom for a few days & wouldn’t come back till he joined an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) to get sober. He did this and things were going well for a while. We found out I was pregnant with baby #2 end of April & i felt like she was a sign or gift to our family for him taking that step.

Fast forward to tonight. He has been extremely distressed and upset with work. There are big changes happening he is losing a lot of colleagues & is very broken hearted. He came in tonight and I could tell by his mannerisms, use of language, and overall demeanor that he had been drinking. He was literally supposed to be in a follow up IOP meeting tonight. I confronted him and he denied at least 2-3x before I started to escalate a bit & he finally confessed.

He started back up again in July while he was gone on a work trip. And has slowly been drinking again to the point he is back to drinking liquor. I know how slippery this slope is, I have been crying my eyes out because we have been here before and just the awful things he says & the way he treats me when he’s under the influence is heartbreaking. He is very much a jekkyl/Hyde personality when he drinks and he’s unpredictable.

So here I am 5 months pregnant with a 3 yo starting his first day of PreK tomorrow and I’m back walking on eggshells just waiting for the other shoe to Drop – because I know it will. It’s just a question of how long till he becomes blacked out/belligerent. I don’t know what to do I’m totally shocked by this.

I really thought we were recovering and on to something better & we are right back here at square one with another little life on the way. I just literally am at a loss for words or what to do.

  1. Relapses are part of the process of getting un-addicted. I know it’s terribly disappointing but you absolutely need to start attending support group meetings with al-anon or other support group for family members of alcoholics.

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