I’m 28F and don’t use dating apps (was on Hinge for 6 years and never made it past a few dates!) I like 30yo men with lots of friends and good corporate jobs. The last guy I was talking to, I met during on vacation in Tulum. Cabo and Austin are also great places to meet nice guys, but I can’t go on vacation every weekend to look for men! Lol

My type is slightly fratty, traditional (family-oriented), and extroverted. Football and soccer games are great places, but I don’t watch sports, unfortunately. Whole Foods has cute guys but that’s not a social venue to strike up a conversation!

Men, where are you and where can women meet you!? Help us ladies out!

  1. It depends on where you are regionally located. You could probably go to a few ballgames and meet someone that way. What interests would you have in common with this person?

  2. Maybe try Bumble BFF to get out more and to other social circles? My friend in NYC has had pretty good success making new friends and going to dinners and picnics and other events with groups of people.

  3. The friends I have that are as you describe are either married with children by now or on their 3rd wife with children from all 3. This is literally all 8 or so of my old friend group sure we keep in touch, but I have literally almost nothing in common with them anymore. All they wanna do is talk about the old college/HS days. Is what it is.

  4. They’re busy banging all the women that drool over them.

    This post translated:

    “I can make them fuck me but I cant make them stay, where are all the good cute men!?”

  5. I stopped approaching woman randomly after the whole metoo thing, so only going to find you on online dating now.

  6. Uh you have very specific criteria. That may be problem one. Look for good family oriented men but branch out from the corporate types. Look for people in other fields. They bring different things to the table. Some of my best relationships were people who were totally “not my type” but it turned out they actually were.

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