How to respond to someone you love when all they do is text about negativity and terrible things in their life you don’t have words for?

  1. Just kindly let them know emotional dumping is a thing and if they are really going through something you can hang out to help ease their mind. Set that boundary. That’s ok to do.

  2. Your needs are obviously important, but don’t make any sudden decisions. Is this really all they do? Is it possible today is just a day where everything seems horrible? Give it a think and see how you feel tomorrow.

  3. They probably need someone more equipped to talk about those issues with. If they keep going back to you then they might just want someone to listen.

  4. Try and be a good listener. You don’t have to talk to help them. Listen and validate their feelings. If they have a problem they keep coming back to say something like “that sounds difficult, how do feel about it?” Sometimes people just need someone to validate and listen to them. Offer to help them find a counselor or therapist.

  5. Take the hold of the conversation and steer it where you want it to go. Ask leading questions that’ll make them reflect on something positive

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