So please no shaming me I already know I’m naive and stupid .. but help? I’ve been in a (I just found out this term) “situationship” me (f 32) with this (m43) for almost 4 years now. We are literally glued to the hip! Spend almost everyday together, gone on multiple vacations might I add and I spend every Sunday with his family and sons. I asked him 3 times to please be my boyfriend he keeps replying with I don’t know .. I see that he blocked ALL of his notifications, but he has an iPhone and under his Siri suggestions, I see the dating app hinge on there .. I know my worth and I deserve so much better. Two weeks ago I asked him for the 3rd time to be my boyfriend and he still answered with I don’t know. Then I said ok it’s over I can’t do this anymore I’m done. He’s not very affectionate unless he sees me pull away and when I said it’s over he begged me to stay and has been super affectionate so dumb me I stayed and it’s going to the bad habits again where he barely texts or answers my calls and I’m just over it! I’ve never been married and I have no kids I’m almost 33 and I don’t know what it’s like to be truly loved. My issue is is I am in love with this man and I don’t know how to just LEAVE! I deserve better ANYONE does .. I know I’m stupid but I just don’t know what to do …..

  1. Who said leaving is the easiest thing to do? Its not.

    Stop thinking with your feelings and start obeying your logic. You already know what to do… block him, block his friends and block his family because he’ll tell them some sob story about what you did, not what he did and they’ll guilt message you to take him back. Move on with your life. Your biological time is ticking down to be married and safely have children.

  2. almost four years (ages 28-32)

    won’t even deign to be your boyfriend after you asked 3 times (does that give him the freedom to romp guilt free with other girls, from time to time?)

    the issue is: your threats carry no credibility since you’ve backed down so many times

    How to leave? No more talk, action is needed.

    Pack up all your stuff, move it out of there. Move yourself out of there. Text your regrets then Block him. Done.

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