26 male. I’ve been friends with girls as a kid. As a teen, I consider them peers. As an adult, I don’t have a relationship with them outside of work or school.

The last friend I had that was a girl in college destroyed our social circle because she hopped between three guys and it really made me think are men and women capable of being friends?

What’s different about being friends with the opposite gender?

  1. I have plenty of friends of both genders, so does my wife. There is no difference. Just great people we like spending time with.

  2. >What’s different about being friends with the opposite gender?

    They usually have female names.

    That’s about it.

  3. Similar to being friends with a man but there is a lot more emotional maintenance

    A lot of the time it’s not friendship it’s extended courting or one party entertaining the attention of the other because they enjoy getting the attention, despite not feeling the same way

  4. IME some people handle it just fine and will be commenting that there is no difference.

    Some people physically incapable of separating platonic/romantic/sexual affections for someone of their desired gender and conclude they can’t be friends.

    You….maybe are the first type but had a friend circle including the second which left you with a bad experience.

  5. It means you’re emotionally supportive. It means you’re not making a run at her, even if she’s hot. It means that if romantic feelings do develop at some point, you talk about it like adults first instead of just trying to kiss her and fucking things up because you felt the desire to.

  6. Horrible experience. I used to be in a group of friends since high school, two boys and three girls. Almost every month they caused drama, talked back, screenshot conversations and they were absolutely petty. They found a boyfriend each and kicked me out of the circle because I was single. Being friend with boys is simpler and more genuine (most of the time)

  7. I (41f) think that the most important thing is absence of sexual attraction between you two. You can ne playful, flirt… but it’s not real flirt or smth – it’s just nice and pleasant show. If anyone start to feel a but more serious it’s over.

  8. I mean they’re not dudes is usually the biggest difference.

    A difference I personally set is that I won’t spend time with them without an unbiased third person that my partner trusts. But that’s for the security of my relationships.

    But generally there isn’t much social difference.

  9. Ok I make it simple, it means that ur friend has a vagina instead of a Penis. Yeah the rest stays the same, u talk with each other, meet up sometimes and probably have some connection.

  10. To be friends with women means you have their backs. You spend time together maybe one on one or maybe in a group. You have similar interests and hobbies. You joke around with them. You care about them.

    Men and women definitely can be friends, and the only real difference (imo) between friends and romantic partners is that you probably live and have sex with a romantic partner

  11. It means you are a sucker. Friendzoned men always take the ‘L’, while the woman gets to continuously extract your resources and time. I tell men, to not stay in a friend zone with women unless sex is right around the corner.

  12. Just remember everything is a choice with consequences. Understand the real result of any actions you or her may take. Know that you are the master of your body, not your hormones, and go from there

  13. There’s no difference if you both have healthy boundaries. I’ve been friends with girls my whole life. I’m still friends with girls I met in high school and college.

  14. Friendship for men is about loyalty, respect and having things in common. What could a man possibly have in common with women? Men and women generally have completely different hobbies, men like sports, women hate sports, women like soap operas and rom coms, men hate them, women read romance novels, men read non fiction, women are more emotional, men are more logical…..there are a million ways both genders are complete opposites.
    Even when men hang out with other male friends, they get sick of each other after a few hours. But somehow we are supposed to spend the rest of our lives with someone who we technically have nothing in common with, apart from the fact that we are sexually attracted to each other and may want to have children.

    Think about this, how many women do you know still have friends from their childhood? Women operate differently than men, they don’t generally prioritise long term friendships. They have a new best friend every year. And the only reason they have male friends is to extract time, resources and attention from that man, while the man literally gets nothing from it

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