TL;DR: One friend was embarrassed about one inconsequential things and stopped talking to me out of shame, thinking wrongly that I’d be mad at him. Other friends misunderstood and assumed I did something bad, until I became a pariah from my friends for 3 years.

For context, I (24m) am a very emotionally fragile person because of a long history of emotional and physical abuse at the hands of my junkie mother (my dad was in prison my whole life), I was never allowed to have friends as a kid and teenager, and I was kicked out of my mother’s home at age 17 when I came out as gay. I was a homeless college student when I met… let’s call them Ron (best friend, 24m), Neville (24m) and Seamus (24m). We quickly became inseparable friends, and our whole extended social group was derived from us being a quartet.

I will tell you the events in chronological order, although I only discovered a lot of it years later.

I invited the three of them to stay at my place, I was out for a hour while they were chilling inside, and when I come back, suddenly Ron is very agitated and storms out; Neville angrily tells me that I should be ashamed of what I did before storming out too, and Seamus is as lost and confused as I am. In truth, Ron got high on my weed stash and ate an entire dish of lasagna that my then-bf had cooked for me. Ron felt ashamed of himself and left, thinking that I’d be angry at him for it. He talked to Neville in vague terms about why he was so anxious, and Neville misunderstood it to mean that *I* did something that hurt Ron, so Neville got really mad at me.

For days afterwards, I tried to get in touch with Ron, but I discovered I was blocked on social media and my phone, thus cutting off means of contacting him. I showed up at Ron’s apartment, and he was inside since he car was there, but he willfully ignored me ringing his bell. I had no idea what could have caused it, and I was getting really sad and worried. I had no idea, but Ron was feeling embarrassed about his outburst and about storming out and ignoring me, so he clamped down because, as he’d explain years later, he couldn’t bear to face me after he treated me so poorly. He “was in too deep” in acting angry at me, so he felt like it’d be embarrassing to reconnect with me, so he kept the charade up because, by his own words, he’d “have felt like a fool” if he admitted there that I was innocent of wrongdoing.

Afterwards, Neville contacted me, he said that he knows I’ve been “harassing” Ron and that Ron wants nothing to do with me ever again and that if I don’t stop trying to contact Ron, Neville will report me to the police. I backed off and apologized, and from that point on I never had contact with Ron again. I’d see Neville sometimes, and he’d talk to me, but always being vaguely hostile towards me. Seamus was the only one who was still being friendly to me, but we rarely saw each other because Seamus was mostly just hanging out with Ron and Neville. Our entire social group, 20+ people, classmates and buddies, all seemingly shifted away from me overnight, and even though they were rarely explicitly rejecting me or being hostile towards me, I was never included in anything and suddenly nobody at all was ever checking up on me or available when I contacted them. I’d learn much later that Neville had taken it upon himself to gossip to all of our mutual friends that I did some unnamed but unspeakable act to Ron, and then I harassed poor Ron, so everyone was seeing me as some kind of villain because of a sick game of telephone. Neville really put efforts and enthusiasm into poisoning the well for me and framing me as some inhuman monster, and to stonewall any attempt from me to contact anyone close to Ron.

I started becoming seriously depressive. I had no close friends left, and the few people still on speaking terms with me made it clear that they believed Neville, and they were never particularly enthusiastic about talking to me. I went from being surrounded by people I loved and who seemed to love me back, which was the basis of my mental wellbeing after my mother kicked me to the curb, to being essentially a pariah. The depression made me a lot less fun to be around, a lot less motivated to go out and interact with people, I even got so low that even my boyfriend broke up with me suddenly because I was “not the same person” that he started to date anymore, because I was constantly sullen and sad.

My mental health took a nosedive, and so did my grades. Then the sars cov event happened, and the social groups that were already solid solidified even more online, while I was alone at home, with not a single person willing to talk to me online or on the phone except Seamus maybe once every other month for a little “wyd”. Mid-2020, Seamus finally told me that it’s just not fun to talk to me anymore so he intends to never contact me again. I mean, who cares that I’m desperately lonely and shunned by everyone important to me, right? What matters is that I am a ray of sunshine despite my depression in order to entertain Seamus, RIGHT??!

I tried so hard to make new friends, but now I had a “reputation”, and I was honestly so emotionally damaged that I couldn’t even be a fun person to be around at all, no matter what. Because of what happened and how I was suddenly rejected by all the people I loved overnight, I started getting extreme physical reactions to being around people and being anxious to make friends. I joined a D&D group outside of college, but I had a panic attack mid-game and they kicked me out. I tried to be active in a cultural neighborhood group, and they were nice enough to wait until my SECOND panic attack, a week in, before also kicking me out.

Anyway. I dropped out of college because depression just did not allow me to THINK, ever, and it destroyed my health. I spent a year in therapy, which cost a fortune and wiped out my savings, so I found a shitty menial job to just barely keep myself financially above water. I started drinking and smoking weed and tobacco to extremely unhealthy degrees, because it was the only thing that could give me anything resembling positive feelings anymore. Every waking moment, I was haunted with the question “What did I do to Ron to deserve this?”

Since the day of the lasagna incident, my ONLY request towards Ron, Neville and Seamus was that I wanted one conversation to clarify things and allow me to apologize if needed. That’s all. I spent three years desperately holding onto that one wish, just one discussion. Neville rejected it explicitly many times, Seamus always changed topics when I asked if he could argue on my behalf to Ron and Neville, or even just pass them a note from me or something. I just wanted to talk.

I have some knowledge about one embarrassing thing Ron did a long time ago, and I finally cracked two days ago. I had been plagued with thoughts of just, ending my life, ending the pain. So, I contacted Neville and I made a threat: Either Ron, him and Seamus talk to me, just once, just one fucking talk to finally get closure, or I am going public with the info and shaming Ron to everyone he knows. I got cursed out and called all degrees of evil, but eventually Neville agreed. Yesterday evening, I finally saw Ron for the first time in THREE YEARS. The three of them were visibly angry at me and unwilling to actually talk, so I said, the threat was a bluff, of course I’d never do that, but I need to talk. Neville and Seamus still hated me for it, but Ron immediately relaxed, and Ron was the one to just, say it. Right there, as if it weren’t the cause of infinite suffering for years; he just said “hahah anyway, that little misunderstanding that one time, sorry if things got a little out of proportions, but it’d have been so awkward to admit I wasn’t mad at you but just worried you’d be mad at me hahaha”. Just like that. Even Neville was floored. And so, we finally talked, and it took all of 5 minutes to understand that it was a dumb fucking misunderstanding that could have been solved with one conversation. One conversation that I begged everyone to have, and that everyone told me to fuck off about.

Neville is still hostile to me, especially for the threat to get the conversation and the, ahem, “harassment” of wanting to talk to Ron in the week following the lasagna incident. Seamus is neutral and friendly, and Ron went from “no contact at all” to being the one super excited to spend time with me, enthusiastically telling me that we need to “catch up” and “make up for the lost time” and he keeps blowing up my phone with offers for plans we could do together, either just Ron and me or the four of us together. Ron acts as if the past 3 years did not happen at all, and he seems carefree about what I went through.

I tried to explain to the three of them what I had to live through, dropping out of college, losing my bf, all my money, my will to be alive. Ron was vaguely sympathetic but went straight to “whatever, just put this behind you and let’s go back to being best friends!”, and Neville shut me down a couple times by calling it “whining” and saying that friends are not responsible for their friend’s well-being. I have not been able to sleep all night after our meeting, and I took the day off work to focus on thinking about this. Emotionally, I’m wrecked. The source of all this suffering, which crippled my self-worth, ruined my financial future, ruined my education, ruined my couple, destroyed my confidence and my ability to trust other people… all that was Ron being unconcerned about the consequences of his thoughtless actions, and Neville choosing to make a villain out of me based on false assumptions. I keep thinking about all the sleepless night spent crying to myself, all the panic attacks, all the pain and anguish and fear I went through, and all I can think about is that Ron caused all of this, albeit without understanding how much pain he caused, just because he felt “awkward” about admitting fault, so he preferred to bury his head in sand and pretend the problem that was destroying my life just did not exist, when he had to power to solve that problem by saying a few sentences at any time. For. THREE. **YEARS.**

Ron, Neville and Seamus never had to suffer, because they had the same friend group, they never had to ponder whether their friends betrayed them or spend months being haunted by thoughts about trust and how trusting people is just a self-inflicted vulnerability. They never had to drop out of college or lose their future prospects. They never had to deal with the panic attacks or the existential dread I lived through because of them. I am a reasonable person, when everyone around me seems to agree that I am the bad guy, I naturally conclude there’s a reason why everyone is against me; so I was accepting the idea that I WAS bad, and since I had no idea what exactly triggered that hatred from everyone I loved, then it meant that I could never trust myself. Obviously, just trying my best to be a good person and a good friend leads to everyone hating me, so instinctively I started being *terrified* of interacting with people, because I was afraid of me, being an accidentally evil person, hurting people I cherish.

I genuinely do not know what to do moving forward, so I ask for advice. How could I possibly approach being reintegrated in that friend group after being vilified for three years. Ron never tried to be hostile to me, it was news to him to learn that Neville was actively trying to sabotage me, Ron just thought that I didn’t want to hang out with them and that I had moved on, after the initial incident of him being too awkward to face me. He did not spend a moment of those three years contemplating what happened to me, he just focused on living his best life. But that right, the right to just live your life carefree, was robbed from me. Sure, by accident, but it was robbed from me by them.

I spent what’s now most of my adult life so far being in a hole of depression and despair and wishing nothing more than to mend the bond between me and Ron. Ron was my “best friend” before the incident, and I was desperate to just be on good terms with him, even if we never talked or hung out – I just wanted to end the endless pain pouring out the scar left when Ron went away. But now, I learned that there was nothing to fix, Ron just didn’t care enough to reach out for me or worry about me ONCE. And sure, he’s being all nice and friendly now, but I do not know how I could possibly just overlook the past three years. My therapist, when I could still afford one, thought that I had developed PTSD relating to social relations due to the lasagna incident. And the very same people who caused that PTSD are now expecting me to just… get over it and act as if all that time that I spent suffering, and which they spent enjoying themselves without caring about the pain they caused me, just didn’t happen. I spent all that time dreaming of reconciliation – if I had found a genie, my wish for those three years would have been “make Ron talk to me, just once.” And now that it came to pass, I don’t feel healed at all. I feel empty. It feels weightless, and so much of my demons are quiet now suddenly, but I also feel… anger? Hatred?

I have been thinking about my options. Do I want to go back to these three like before? Or, could I expect that, now, I will stop having panic attacks when I interact with new people, which would mean that I can go out and make new friends? Even if I make new friends, there’s the question of how to handle Ron, Neville and Seamus, what to tell them, how to move on.

Can you help me please? I feel too emotionally tired to do this grueling emotional labor alone…

  1. If you have new friends then dump these three and stick with your new friends. If they aren’t even acknowledging they did wrong by not listening to your “side” and are now expecting you to act like nothing happened then they are not and never have been real friends.

  2. Dump these assholes. They don’t deserve you at all. Do not accept to just move on.

    Like seriously, I don’t care how embarrassing the dirt you have on Ron is, this is by far the most embarrassing shit I’ve read about in a while.

  3. I’m so sorry you’ve gone through so much pain. I also had a friend group ditch me because my depression made me no fun. It hurts like hell. It made me feel like the worst thoughts about myself were true. But over time I recognized that these people weren’t true friends. And I went on to make friends and connections with people who are amazing. And you will too.

    Stay away from that friend group. They’ve shown you who they are, and it sounds like it will be too painful to try and be around them again. I think you’d feel out of place and like you have to walk on eggshells. And you deserve better than that. I don’t think you need to tell them anything. They don’t deserve your time. Go out and make new friends. Look up meetup groups to find people with similar interests.

    For now, allow yourself to feel the anger, sadness, etc about the former friends. Those feelings make sense. But also try to avoid wallowing. It’s important not to try to suppress emotions, but it’s also important to not get lost in them.

  4. I’m sorry, but they didn’t care whilst they ruined your repuation and knew it was affecting your day to day – and did nothing?

    Nah – get rid. Tell them if they were actual friends they’d have given some care over the period.

    It’s just toxic now and will only bugger up your mental health.

  5. >”hahah anyway, that little misunderstanding that one time, sorry if things got a little out of proportions, but it’d have been so awkward to admit I wasn’t mad at you but just worried you’d be mad at me hahaha”.

    Yeah – they’re not good friends. What happens the next time they have a ‘little misunderstanding’. The point of friends is that they *aren’t* meant to ditch you over things like this, and their total unwillingness to do anything other than try to brush it under the carpet just hammers home that they’re not good for you.

    >and saying that friends are not responsible for their friend’s well-being.

    Maybe not, but they should *care*, and in their own different ways these people fall short. Your ‘best’ friend threw you under the bus, for goodness’ sake, and then Seamus said he had no further interest in contacting you because you weren’t any fun.

    >Do I want to go back to these three like before?

    Absolutely. Fucking. Not. They’re poisonous. Spend the time focusing on yourself and getting your mental health back to a good state, and then go and find new ones. If they ask why, either just lay it out to them or direct them to this thread, and then block them.

  6. It would be good if they could read this and maybe get a tiny understanding of what their actions did. I’d still drop them, you deserve far better.

  7. I wouldn’t engage with them further since I doubt that the lasagna was the only issue. My guess is that the lasagna incident was an issue that started the whole thing, but your “friends” did also want to exclude you for some reason. I say this because *nobody* will go no contact with a best friend with only a vague description of an incident. They let the friendship fall apart for some reason, and the reason is not (only) lasagna.

    If you feel you can get happiness by being involved with them still, do it. You can treat them as acquaintances to meet up sometimes with. I would, however, encourage you not to think about them anymore as close friends.

    I strongly suggest you to go out there in the world and find more friends

  8. They sound like terrible friends. I know it’s hard to make new friends and difficult to trust but I think that’s what you’ve got to do. Find some friends that have common interests and are decent people because these guys do not have your back. Friends like these make things like depression and anxiety worse.

  9. It’s sad that not one person told you to say fuck these dudes and make new friends because these aren’t friends

  10. Make Ron go public, Neville and Seamus too with why you were ostracized

    And speak with people of what this costed you. This will in majority clear your name. Then drop them at the very least Neville, who it seem wanted you out, and Ron who hurted you more than a friend ever could

  11. There’s this saying, ‘fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice…’

    If you’re willing to let these people back into your life after they’ve treated you abominably for no reason and completely dismissed all the struggles you’ve had at their own hands, then you’re an idiot. It’s common for kids who grow up unloved/mistreated to be desperate for love and acceptance and overlook red flags in order to get that, but that’s not what you’re getting here. You aren’t getting your friends back, you’re giving people who don’t deserve it ammunition over you. Invest in counselling or a few self-help books and try to make new friends. There’s no amount of tape that will cover those cracks.

  12. Let them go. They caused you a tremendous amount of pain. There’s nothing they can say or do to make amends. Sometimes a person causes hurt that goes so deep, you cannot have them in your lives—ever. Move on. Block them so that they can’t contact you and also those other so-called friends who participated in what was basically a shunning. You deserve so much better.

  13. I’m sorry this happened. People honestly suck.

    Ghost these “friends”, no contact forever. They don’t deserve you. As other commenters have said, the incident was likely the excuse needed to kick you out due to other reason(s). They probably spent so many more times shit talking you while you were oblivious to it. They are not good people. Do not associate with people who harm you. Good luck.

  14. Let them go, but not before saying to Ron that the embarassing thing won’t leave your mouth ever, since you never want to be as foul and low as they did. Make them feel shame for shunning ypu down. Especially Neville. Tbh I don’t remember a name in HP that can represent that level of evilness.

  15. Personally, I would tell them the only way this can be left in the past is if they admit to everyone what happened and clear your name. Once that’s done, tell them “it is now in my past, with all of you” and never speak to them again.

    You’ve been given a deep dark lesson in how a lot of humans tend to function. Learn from it, don’t go back for more.

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