I’ve noticed a rise in anti- sex, fear of sexuality happening these days. It’s largely a fear of women’s sexuality ( or feminine sexuality because it extends to queer guys whom are feminine presenting/androgynous and may apear like that of a woman ). Can anyone explain this? What is this sex negative culture?

Phrases like: No babes, I don’t watch porn–( not that a person has to.but) Also a rise in homophobia

The end result of people looking for ‘chasisity’ end up with pseudopedopelia type sexuality and outright pedophelia.

  1. Sex-negativity has existed throughout history. The pendulum seems to swing back and forth every few years/decades, and the current wave of it is largely a response to the sexual liberation that many LGBTQ+ and kinky people have been able to enjoy in the last 10 years or so.

    It’s scary and really destructive, especially in cases where puritanical bigots are accusing queer people of being “groomers” or saying that all kinky people are psychopathic perverts, etc. Many sex workers have fallen into poverty (or fallen *further* into poverty) as a result of counterintuitive puritanical laws like SESTA/FOSTA. It’s a bad situation. But I always have to choose to believe that the pendulum will swing back the other way eventually if we try hard enough to move it.

  2. Where? Who? Is this about artificial social media trends? I’m really confused by these generalisations. Maybe I’m too old but I remember a time before internet and subtle read:monolithic changes in the zeitgeist that hold so much pressure on the kids today.

    Where do you get these notions from? Is this an American thing? They tend to be kinda silly. Has there been a shift in anti sex tendencies in Iran?

    What is going on with people?

  3. The religious people in western countries, and especially in the US, know that their numbers are dwindling. Young people are becoming less and less religious, and more tolerant of sexual orientation, and gender norms.

    This actually makes religious people even more vocal because they no longer control the moral compass of society, and of course the entire concept of religion is to be intolerant to everyone that is different. For them, their world is falling apart, so they will do everything to keep everything as before.

  4. Although, I dont see what you are seeing as I see people become more accepting, I’ll take a swing at what I think you mean.

    I think this “sex-negative culture” you are referring to is due to the backlash from the rampant hookup culture and the overturning of Roe (however you feel about it.) People are both fed up on the sanctity moral foundation (to learn more about that, read The Righteous Mind by Dr. Haidt) and terrified of getting prego. Then there is the explicit heavy representation of the LGBTQ in media and how every company in the US turns their logos into rainbows for pride month. Reactions to events like these end up in a giant feedback loop, amplifying each reaction by several orders of magnitude. Each reaction is an over reaction to the previous reaction.

    With abortion rights being turned back over to the states’ discretions, women are being more careful of who they decide to sleep with, especially in conservative states. They don’t want to end up pregnant by a random dunderhead from a college bar. This is very understandable.

    Speaking to the hookup culture according to Haidt’s data, conservatives score much higher on the purity/sanctity moral foundation than liberals and libertarians. Seeing this moral foundation being violated in the realm of sex, makes them uncomfortable with this idea. It’s even more prevalent amongst religious conservatives. At times, they can be authoritarian (as can liberals) and they seek to push their views on to society, but mostly they just complain to their ingroups.

    As for the homophobia thing. I haven’t seen any rise in homophobia. I have however, seen a rise in the dislike of the LGBTQ community as a whole…even amongst gays, lesbians, and trans people. Most people, even religious conservatives have no issue with gay or trans people. They may not agree with the “lifestyle” but they still treat them as people. They will respect pronouns if asked politely, but the moment someone gets combative about their pronouns, they will reciprocate but I digress…There is also a constant push in the entertainment industry to have LGBTQ representation in every piece of media. People feel like they are constantly bludgeoned over the head with an LGBTQ message. They are burned out. Everything has to have some sociopolitical message in it nowadays. Not to mention how some of the characters are written, with how some perceive their entire personality being a the “Gay guy” rather than the “guy who just so happens to be gay.” Now, don’t get me wrong, there are those who are just completely uncomfortable seeing anything gay or otherwise on screen. There is no pleasing those people….Then there is the whole thing about putting books like Gender Queer for example in elementary school libraries which depict explicit sex acts, how to perform certain sex acts, how to douche, etc. This has only happened in a small hand full of school districts, but the fact that this happened and the media pushing it is really ramping up animosity towards the LGBTQ community.

    I could be totally off base with everything I have said, but I tried to give some perspective on what I THINK you meant. Hope it helps.

  5. All these answers do make sense. I expect this sort of thing. But whatvI’m speaking of ist ‘anti- sex’ sort of situations like recently on twitter the blow up over tge end scene of she- hulk and Megan thee stallion twerking for a moment fully clothed and people jumping up in arms. Seeing a picture of a woman in a bikini making people jumping up in arms screaming epithets— maybe it’s because the digital art world and fan spaces and online spaces in general being strange.

    And some of these are young people.

  6. There’s this ‘I don’t wanna see no sex’ thing going that I don’t think is healthy.While a person may need to have a level of restraint and decency ( as in don’t have sex on a train on an early commute to work) the being afraid of a cleavage thing is kinda freaking me out. What is it that causes this?

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