If you are a catch, why?

  1. It’s been made clear to me that I am not a catch.

    I think there’s more than one reason. I’ve grown into adult life by myself, and I am at a stable and tranquil point so it isn’t something I’ve tried to diagnose in detail or address. I like stability and tranquility.

  2. Financially? No, I’m poor. Looks? Nah, I’m overweight (working on it) and have zero fashion sense.

    Personality? Mixed bag, I’m funny, so I’ve been told, same thing with smarts. I am kind, to a fault sometimes and loyal to people I care about.

    Am I a catch? Well my partner flew half way round the world to spend time with me at great expense, we spend every waking second together and she hasn’t even gotten mildly annoyed at my arrogance, snark, dark humour or total lack of social awareness so I guess to her I might be..

    Or she’s just got really low standards but I’m not willing to ask her so I’ll just pretend I’m awesome

  3. 6 figure income and growing, in great shape, zero debt, good with money, great in bed, no dependencies on drug or booze, no mental health issues, no big red flags with my family, and despite being so amazing, I’m super humble.

    I’m a regular chad, OP

  4. I’m truly accepting of people, I can put myself out for others, I do not take anything personally, I keep a clear head, I have two great dogs, I’m not bad looking, my accent is considered attractive where I live.

    The only downsides are I’m married to a woman who would kill anyone who approached me romantically and I’d only date a vegan.

  5. I own my home, have a stable career with great job security, I’ve had my retirement going for decades, I’m a great father, the only debt I have left is my mortgage, I’m a considerate lover, and I’ll always find a way to make you laugh even in the darkest times.

  6. I’m considerate, articulate, passionate, loyal, and hard worker. I’m about a 5 and had no problem finding my other half who’s definitely an 8.

  7. Above avarage height, educated, job, car, friends, good relationship with parents, no debt, significant savings, moderate drinker, nonsmoker, no drugs, work out, good looking, can take care of myself. Goddamn, I’d date me.

  8. I don’t seem to fit into the typical guy category. Lots of good qualities, some depends on how they handle it (literalness, honest, confrontational). Some of it might be due to how awful other guys were/are in their past/current partner.

  9. its all relative, i’ve definitely been blessed in the looks department but honestly more than anything else its been how bad you guys all are as partners tbh. So few of you have strong social skills, so few of you have any sort of self esteem, so few of you have any sort of experience, so many of you have depression that pretty clearly affects your dating life (to be clear im not hating depression, im on lamechtal myself, but you guys let it completely destroy any chance of approaching women with confidence). And some of you who don’t have any of those nonetheless hurt women. So for me, good looking, socially adept, well traveled, man of color, strong self confidence….its genuinely shooting fish in a barrel. Cold approaching in 2022 has never been easier its actually wild. I see all these dudes just as adept as I out and about and I always get confused at womens complaints, but then i come to reddit and see how you guys are and it makes a lot more sense.

  10. Mostly

    – I’d make 6 figures if I worked full time
    – I have several interesting and fulfilling hobbies
    – always have something interesting to talk about, love an intellectual conversation
    – above average looking and relatively fit

    – I’m not always available, I’ll never drop what’s important to me just for a woman
    – I respond really poorly to anything I perceive as controlling behaviour

  11. Men my age either have their stuff together or are complete wrecks. I work out. And have a good career. I don’t cheat or play games. I’m a family kind of man.

  12. I have no idea. women say im a goodman and a caught u need to ask them. I think its outrageous that treating them decent is so rare anymore.

  13. I can cook, I’m present, I want my partner to have her own fun/spend time with her own family and friends, not just me, I have lots of love to give, and I love to make my partner happy. I’m also fat, so she always has a pillow to lay her head on.

    (I’m single, so when I reference “my partner” it’s hypothetical)

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