I met this girl [24F] on hinge 2 months ago and we went out first week of July for drinks and it went well. She was then gone 2 weeks for vacation and when she got back I asked her out to dinner and we also got drinks with her two friends who showed up after and that also went well (but no kiss at either date so far). Fast forward to today, we’ve gone out 6 times total since she had to be out of town or busy or covid a few weekends in a row. Based on the busyness (which was all completely real but I sometimes feel in a new thing that busyness like that can be a good excuse) I was feeling like she might just have me on the hook. We’d also only kissed/made out one time and she wasn’t super touchy and we never touched upon exclusivity. But I really really liked her but was afraid if I said anything like that this early on it would just drive her away.

Well, in mid/late August I decided to go on a first date with someone else [25F] on hinge just to keep my options open in case I got ghosted. Turns out she went to school with the first girl and recently they communicated and now she knows. The second girl told me that the original girl I liked was actually into me (shocker) and I should’ve communicated better with her. I asked the original girl if we could talk, she said she’s confused as to why I went on a date with someone else but will talk so we plan to do later tonight when she’s free but based on that, how screwed am I and is there anyway to salvage this?

  1. Just stand your ground. Even if she’s into you doesn’t matter if she can’t make time. Don’t get so caught up with being with someone you accept a person even when they can’t meet your needs.

  2. just tell what you said, that you like her but she always seemed to be busy so you werent sure if she was into you. sure you will both be tired after a workday but surely you could do a quick dinner during the week if you had no time on a weekend.

    she can either accept it or you move on.

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