I (21f) have been with my bf (20M) for 5 years. We met in high school and had a pretty active sex life. Over the years we really explored each other and made sex amazing. However, the past two years have been really hard for me. I was diagnosed with endometriosis at the start of our relationship. Everything was normal in the beginning but now endometriosis controls my life. I have been on my period for 14 months with no breaks lasting more than 1-2 days. (And those are few and far between) I have been on many birth controls and have tried everything. I have noticed within this last year my sex drive has really plummeted. I only crave physical affection in a romantic way and not sexually. I don’t feel sexually charged ever. This is not normal compared to how I used to be. I think I have started to feel pressured to have sex since I never want to. And sex never feels like it’s for me. Being on my period all the time also just puts a damper on the mood and the sex. I can’t enjoy old pleasures because I’m on my period. I just don’t know how to get my sex drive back. My bf and I have had many conversations and he is nothing but loving and supportive but I can’t help but feel I’m not meeting his sexual needs. Looking for any tips and tricks. How can I start feeling positive about sex again?

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