As a female, how do i approach a guy i find cute/attractive in a non creepy way if we don’t know each other?

  1. We aren’t like women. You can approach us without feeling creepy. We’re rarely flattered & approached even less. He might wind up being into you simply BECAUSE you came off creepy

  2. I think it is just as awkward as the other way around. And most likely not even creepy, I might say that the guy in question probably would get an instant boner that way.
    I for one would not mind if a woman would come up to me (if I were single that is).

  3. Depends on the circumstances and where you are. But I would feel it’s not creepy to say hi and introduce yourself for most occasions if you two are doing something together or in the same place frequently.

  4. “Hi, you seem cool- what’s your favorite local restaurant?”
    Hey Cowboy, my inner animal is a horse, want a ride?

  5. Been approached many times, just straight up ask him out or inquire. If you never ask the answer will always be no.

  6. I have never seen a woman get labeled as creepy for approaching guys, that is a label usually reserved for the male species.

    You will likely make his day by just showing interest, go get him tiger

  7. I can think of 3 scenarios

    1. Work environment – Give him attention ( get close to him, listen to whatever dumb idea or jokes, smile , full eye contact , and simple touch on the arm, shoulder etc) and ask him to have lunch together one on one.
    2. Friends of friends or familiar environments – same as 1
    3. Random, club or total strangers – Direct – full eye contact, cheeky smile , give a compliment, and make assumptions about him

  8. As long as there’s no physical touch out of nowhere, any approach is not creepy.
    Be brave and you’ll be fine.

  9. I have been approached I guess 2 times during last 25 years (since I was 15)

    Other I completely missed, and found out 13 years later trough common friend found later in life.

    Other time I figured it out 2 hours later, as I was quite busy at that moment, and really REALLY didn’t have time for any distractions.

    Just don’t try anything too subtle, he might miss is completely. but don’t just jump on him either.

    If you have any common interests that you know, Ask some little tip on something that you know he is interested, and you most likely get his attention.

  10. Just go up and say something. You literally won’t come off as creepy unless you are seriously socially inept or something which I doubt is the case if you are coming here to ask the question.

    However, if he isn’t interested then respect it and move on. You will get the creepy label if you don’t back off.

  11. The only way he’d find you creepy is if you’re grossly unattractive or you have two beheaded chickens in your hands.

    For most of us, being approached is so rare that it’s amazing when it happens. Just go up and say hello. Ask him what his favorite pick up line is, then use it on him. If he thinks you’re cute, you’re in. That’s it.

  12. I dont think there is a way being approached by a girl would come off creepy personally. You’d have to be really making an effort to make it uncomfortable!

  13. Just walk up and say hi, guys are dumb easy and prefer it straight up and we often miss the clues.

  14. We are also so unaccustomed to being approached that we (at least I) would think it’s was a prank/fake.

    I had that happen to me a few times in my teens and my self esteem was to low to compute that it was real. So I said no to hanging out, only to find out years later that they were actually into me.
    So my advice is to be graceful with receiving a rejection and try again in some time so the guy has a chance to contemplate and realize what he did.

  15. I have been approached throughout my life and have responded every sort of way imaginable. A key thing is that it can take some time to absorb so minimizing pressure by making it relaxed is ideal *if* you’re going to clearly communicate it.

    Alternatively, there’s a lot that can be inferred through action that is typically more fun but definitely more grey area. This can include asking them out to dinner parties or friends, wanting to dance with them when out at shows, etc. Guys *will* be wondering “why is she doing this?” And it will trigger a more primal response… of course this is a grey area and you should determine if the guy you like has enough EQ.

    But back to direct communication – there is pure attraction (more surface level, sexual for men) then there is actually “like-like” like you’re curious about dating. If it’s the former, simply asking if they want to go on a date is enough to infer you’re interested.

    If it’s the latter, a relationship of some sort should have been established I.e you’re friends and get along but you want to pursue something further. This is a bit trickier because it’s going to infer something serious which will be a lot of pressure on a guy (really anyone) out of the blue. So it’s important to reel it back to a casual thing.

    I recently asked a girl out who is a really good friend of mine. I asked her if I could throw her a curveball and when she said shoot I asked if she was good at taking compliments – I then listed out all the things I liked about her and just made it clear that I’m interested in more but that I also understand the complications since we’re friends so she can take as much time to think about it.

  16. A non threatening, but memorable interaction that would stimulate a verbal response – and go from there

    1. Hold door open for him while saying, “I only do this for guys I think are good looking”. Guaranteed smile in response
    2. Compliment something he’s wearing or something
    3. Say you are conducting a poll for a class and make up sone questions

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