She died at 96 years old.

  1. I’m a big royal watcher so definitely huge news for me. I’ve been streaming BBC all morning waiting for the announcement. Got a little emotional.

  2. She had the Star-Spangled Banner played during the changing of the guard at Buckingham Place a day after 9/11 and I will always respect her for that. RIP Liz.

  3. I don’t care. But I do not look forward to the million posts about her. Ol Charlie ain’t got much gas in the tank either.

  4. My condolences the UK. I feel the same as if any other head of state has died. The U.K. is one of our most enduring allies, so I offer my condolences to it’s citizens.

  5. I mean, she was a long-time monarch who was a close ally with the U.S.

    She’s like a step-grandma if you will.

    It’s sad, but not going to affect day-to-day events here.

  6. I am definitely very saddened by her death. While I can’t say I’m really a big proponent of monarchy, I had a lot of respect for Queen Elizabeth. I greatly admire a person for giving her entire life to the service of her country, and she really was a link to history that has now been lost.

  7. It’s pretty surreal, to be honest. I thought she’d outlive me and I’m in my 30s! We can debate the monarchy another time all we want, but it’s hard to overstate how many historical titans this one woman knew. Think about it, she knew Churchill, Eisenhower, Khrushchev, JFK and many others! It’s truly the end of an era. Condolences to the people of the UK.

  8. Sorry to hear. That’s about the extent of my mourning.

    She’ll probably take up more media coverage than anyone since Michael Jackson, but I don’t have a TV right now, so I’ll just hear about it on a few news podcasts most likely. Plus reddit.

    Also, I expect a sharp decrease in jokes about how how she’s gonna be immortal.

  9. Very sad for the UK. Definitely the end of an era. I’m kind of in awe of her. Reigned for 70 years, lived through 15 prime ministers, was a mechanic during WWII and always saw her becoming queen as a day of mourning since it was the same day her father passed. She wasn’t perfect from my understand but as a woman it’s inspiring to see what she’s accomplished in her long life. I hope somewhere out there she’s at peace and reunited with her husband. My heart goes out to the U.K as well ❤️

  10. I don’t care for her position, but I do care about what she did with that position. She had honor and humility. She served in a world war, she stayed with her people while her country was bombed, she dedicated her life to service. I’ll always remember she ordered the band at Buckingham palace to play our national anthem after 9/11, breaking a hundreds year old tradition. Like I said, not a fan of monarchies, but she was a great Queen.

  11. May she rest in peace.

    If you want the real tea: I STILL think Charles is a dirt-bag for what he did to Diana; I’d much rather see William take over.

  12. The Royal family to me exists in the sphere as celebrities do. Sucks she died obviously. Her death to me is on the same plain as an event like when Kobe Bryant died. I will definitely remember the day I found out, but it isn’t gonna effect me much

  13. I didn’t think I would hear about it first on Reddit, but there you are. She was the exact same age and looks very much like one of my grandmothers, so i’ve had an odd affection for her based on that. My grandmother passed last December, so it doesn’t seem that odd.

    I think it’s going to be a strain on the monarchy and probably precedes the end of the Monarchy in its current form. There will almost certainly be calls to reform it and spend less public money on the monarchy. This is definitely the end of a political era.

  14. I think the loss of life is sad. But, that throne and institution has the blood of millions and millions on its hands. So I’m not particularly grieving the passing of its queen

  15. It wasn’t unexpected. I knew it was just a matter of time after losing her husband. Broken heart syndrome is real.

  16. Even though she was 96, it’s a bit of a shock. The end of an era. Condolences to those in the UN and throughout the commonwealth.

  17. If I can be as energetic and fun as she was, and make it to 96, I’d be pretty thrilled.

    R.I.P. to an American ally.

  18. Living in the UK now, it’s strange. I’m trying to wrap my head about and respect the fact that she’s been present in most British people’s lives literally since they were born. Even my boyfriend, who is not a monarchist at all, feels a bit melancholy. She was truly a historic woman. Condolences to the people of the UK, and may she rest in peace.

  19. Get the popcorn, sit back and see what comes next.

    She’s reigned for 70 years, longer than most of our lives. The world has changed a lot in those years. The public support and views on government, royalty and specific members of the British royal family has changed. I’m intersted in seeing the transition.

  20. In the big picture monarchy doesn’t make much sense and the royal family doesn’t seem like a great idea going forward, but I have immense respect for her and it is a big loss for the UK and the world.

    She came of age during WWII and spent her life trying to bring stability and peace to the UK and the world, think of all the things that have happened since 1952 when she became Queen. Sure there are flaws but the world has lost someone who helped carry humanity out of war and colonialism.

    It will be interesting to see how her passing affects the structure of the Commonwealth (UK and former colonies that keep association). Respect for Elizabeth has been a unifying force for the Commonwealth and a preserving means for the monarchy, the Commonwealth might not keep the UK as its symbolic head anymore and I don’t know if the institution of the monarchy will survive much longer.

  21. I’m pretty impartial. She is a long reigning monarch and historical figure which is sad to watch pass. However it’s not anything directly tied to the US.

    I think you remember her as a friend and ally and guiding voice for her people in the English speaking world. You remember her passing as a friend to people everywhere. Except maybe the Irish

  22. I’ve felt sad for Elizabeth ever since her husband died. That photo of her at that empty church near his casket, eyes clearly red from crying, but unable to truly mourn during his funeral because of her position is something that is oddly haunting. To be in a position that stops you from being human is horrible, especially during the funeral of the love of your life.

    Hopefully her death was peaceful and she can finally rest near George.

  23. Weirded out because of the thread on /r/AskReddit earlier this morning asking how Brits would react whenever she does die.

    Beyond that, I dunno.

    – Sucks for her family to lose a family member. At least she got a long and eventful life.
    – I don’t personally like monarchy, royalty, or hereditary aristocracy, but I’m aware that over my lifetime the Brits aren’t even in the top 3 of worst monarchies in the world
    – Prince Chuck will have some big shoes to fill that, frankly, he probably doesn’t have the gravitas to handle

  24. I don’t care about the royals, but I feel for the people in the UK/England that have a sense of loss over her death.

  25. She’s been monarch of the UK since the special relationship took off. Heart out to our friends across the pond

  26. I feel badly for her family, the same I would for any other random family I don’t know that lost their grandmother.

  27. Im nigerian-American, so i don’t really care tbh. In fact a lot of people from countries affected by Britain’s colonialism are celebratin.

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