I honestly don’t want a serious relationship but some days I find myself super horny to the point where I can’t get anything done. Other than all the scam websites and tinder, what is an actual executable way to find a Friends with benefits?

  1. The same way you find something long term. You just let them know early on you’re only looking for something casual.

    Also dudes ya gotta be.. I’m not gonna say “hot” but rather physically sexually appealing to her. Because if she’s not getting the emotional end of the stick, the physical stick you give needs to be REALLY with it.

  2. Be fun, interesting, attractive, and social. There are plenty of people just tryna fuck.

  3. get on dating app
    talk to the other person like a human, if they ask why you’re online say something to the effect pf “Well, I don’t feel emotionally available enough for a relationship but I still want to meet people spend time together and have sex” if they’re game, you go forward, if not say
    “I understand, best of luck out there!”

  4. I think if you just mention your intentions at the start then you just might find someone who is on the same page as you.

  5. My dude

    Assuming you’re a dude sorry if I’m wrong

    But you gotta just crank one out
    Get some lube and a good video and do the thing with the hand and the motion and the dolphin and boom you’re back in business

    We got money to make!

    Side note
    In the army it was pretty hard to sleep because the person on the top bunk was beating their meat like it owned them money

    But hey it got the job done lol

  6. Get 5 get 10 get as many women as you want, fuck them and don’t commit to them. Collect them like Pokémon do whatever you want brother.

  7. Back when I was just looking for FWB, I was on Tinder. Found all of mine there and didn’t bother with anywhere else. I’m a girl BTW. I don’t know about most other girls, but that was where I was. So I say Tinder.

    Just put in your bio that you’re just looking for FWB, be honest and have good pictures.

  8. Dunno if you have it in America or wherever you are but people use the app Fylde in the UK – it’s a sex positive dating platform (aka a hook up website)

  9. If you are a woman any OLD app will work. If you are a man make yourself attractive enough and “date” a woman that’s less attractive than you.

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