Ive been asked to officiate a friends wedding and they asked me to give advice about marriage. Ive never been married (or in a long term relationship) so whats the best advice one can give to a newly married couple.

They have already been together for 7 years and have been living together for at least 4.

  1. Why would your friends ask you for marriage advice? That should be your advice, “the fuck you come to me for marriage advice for?”

  2. It is always you+spouse vs the problem. Always. If one of you would rather side with the problem, it’s doomed.

  3. You mean they want you to give some therapy? Or just some ideas about how to introduce the idea of marriage like a priest or religious officiant?


    I suggest you just do a Google and pick the one you like…

  4. Stand behind your partner, always. Support them and if you dont agree, talk about it later.
    That way they will feel heard instead of hurt.

    But yeah, why the fuck do they ask you?

  5. I’ve been married now for over 25 years, I’d say there are 3 things that are critical to a good long term relationship:

    1. Honesty -at all costs don’t keep secrets or lie to your partner

    2. Respect – you must respect your partners views and ideas, it doesn’t mean that you have to agree on everything, but you have to understand and respect your partner, never say or do anything disrespectful behind their back.

    3. Communication- it’s so important for a couple to talk about their feelings, needs, what makes them happy or sad. Again it’s something that you have to take the time to discuss and understand each other. Keep it constant throughout the relationship, so there’s no big gaps in understanding each other.

    Really all three of these things are intertwined together, you have to be honest to show respect and you need to communicate to be honest.

    Love is obviously important, but I can tell you that for the long haul, as in decades together these other 3 things are really important for a successful long term happy relationship.

    Good luck with your speech.

  6. Dont sleep in an argument

    Give up your kitchen when your mother in law stays over- it’s not worth the stress

  7. Get a prenuptial agreement and go cheap on the wedding. No reason to start your life with her in a massive amount of debt.

  8. COMPROMISE! It’s the #1 thing.

    Think about it…….

    …………………………..see I told ya.

  9. The meaning and purpose of marriage is the biological union that creates children and joins two families in blood. Creating and raising the next generation of your families is a lot of work and cost, but it’s the meaning of life itself.

  10. The man needs to hide some money away that she doesn’t know about and can’t get to. I suggest putting cash in a fire safe and hiding that so there’s no way she or anyone else would know about it or locate it. Or he can buy gold bullion coins that he can buy or sell at pawn shops to hide it from her. When they divorce, she’ll take every penny he has and then some, he’ll be glad he has at least something left so he’s not out in the streets.

  11. DON’T rush into it! Getting married just because you think it’s the ‘next step’ in becoming an adult or in life is a sure disaster, unless your sure this is the person you can live with for the rest of your life and they can do the same with you. Discuss your views and goals extensively before you get married. Marriage is great, I’ve been married for almost 30 years. But I’ve seen people get divorced due to differences people thought they could overcome once they were together.

  12. My best advice about marriage… If you are a man, don’t get married. You are gambling at a game where the odds are greater than 50% that you’ll lose and the woman makes that choice over 80% of the time.

    There is zero upside to marriage for a man. You can already get everything you need/want from a woman without being married.

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