There’s a guy i’ve seen on campus once or twice and the past whole week we’ve ended up on the same bus from the train station to the campus. We’ve made eye contact a couple of times but I dont know how to talk to him.

  1. Okay so what you do is get off before him on the bus while you are carrying books. On the last step of the bus fake a trip and drop all your books. He’ll help you pick them up, your hands touch, something something owo.

    Ooooor better option: you could just say “Hey, I’ve seen you around campus and have been wanting to say hi so, Hi! My name is iamvengeance21” then just talk.

  2. I think you should just go for it, if you see him multiple times in the bus,you can assume that he might recognise you and if you get off at the same stop small talk about uni and ask when he’s done ? And see how it goes from there?

    “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” – Michael Scott

    Good luck

  3. Sit with them on the bus if theres a seat, introduce yourself ask what there doing on campus n just about themselfves and if youve anything in common can be like oh me too and what they like ab that thing

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