I [23M] feel like I’m naturally a bit odd socially.

I use to have a ton of social anxiety, I cared a great ton about what others thought and it paralyzed me.

Now though, I’m much more confident, but I’ve found that in the moment—say when I see a group of people doing something I’m interested in, an attractive person, an acquaintance, etc—I never have desire to interact. This feels natural to me…it’s not based on anxiety or fear, it’s just kinda how I wanna go about my business.

I guess this just feels so natural to me that I assume others feel the same way? And in the moment, I don’t really care if I’m coming off aloof/distant/uninterested/whatever cause I guess the truth is that I truly have no interest. AND this is how I want people to treat me. I don’t want people to wave or do some small-talking shit, just go about your business and let me go about mine. Does this make me an asshole?

I’d say since I was about 15, I have always been very much in my own world. Really since then, I didn’t really have any group of friends so I’ve kinda just chilled on my own the last several years. I feel that not really participating in the “social game” for all these years has made me unable to actually recognize normal social behavior because I never interact with anyone and I rarely enjoy when others do so with me.

I want to have social skills cause I know that will have a positive influence on my life…but that means I have to interact with others yeah? Which, is just kinda irritating to be honest. I don’t enjoy it when it happens and I’m not really interested in engaging in the first place.

Want to mention too that my libido has always been really low. I didn’t do anything with anyone until I was 20, and since then I haven’t done anything and I’ve found that my libido continues to go down. Haven’t had much interest in sex or masturbating this whole year. And I’m cool with it, but my psychiatrist is concerned given my age.

I guess really what I’m striving to attain are good social skills cause I want to be a successful person in life and they help, but at the same time virtually every interaction I have with people sucks. I always just wanna get away and do my own thing, it feels like such a waste of time. Why talk to someone unless there’s something to gain, like knowledge? Interacting with others for pleasure is laughable to me, it’s far more irritating than it is fun. I always feel like there’s something better that I could be doing to better my life or stimulate myself. Like video games, reading, hitting the gym, chess, meditating, shopping for cool shit, etc.

Idk, I think I naturally don’t like people, but I want to be successful and going this loner route with no social skills probably needs to change if I wanna reach my full potential for success.

PS I define success as feeling completely fulfilled with myself and self-actualized—mental health, physical health, emotional health, financial health, and having the freedom to pursue anything I want because I’ve set up my life in such a way that I have the ability to do so.

  1. Imo learning how to play with others is muy importante in enjoying social interaction. Easiest route: do/say what makes you have fun without a filter. Harder route: learn the game, it’s very enjoyable for both parties once you get a hold of it

    Oh also, there is tremendous value in creating social networks, everyone has their own specialty and knows more people with their own specialty. With a broad, diverse social network that is built on mutual reciprocity, you have tons of helpful connections to help you in every walk of life

    Cheers my friend!

  2. I would say there is no point in searching what is supposed to be. Only have conversations if there is something to gain like knowledge then. Maybe you’re assuming people don’t hold knowledge?

  3. The thing about people is, that each individual is a universe unto themselves. What this means is that you can learn so much from talking to people. Everyone has their interests and their specialties, and if you have a conversation with a person you might learn something that interests or benefits you too. There is your prize!

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