So I broke up with gf \[27F\] of 8 months back in July. This was my 1st serious relationship. There were times in the relationship thinking back that showed that maybe things weren’t going well. For example, we bickered about the littlest of things about where to get breakfast and who’s place we were staying over. Also there was a fact of her temper being an issue. We were stuck on a train coming home and the train stalled and she went full nuclear, getting on the train intercom yelling when the train was going to resume on its path. Also going home we ran into heavy traffic in which she went nuclear, even to the point when I tried to calm things down she exploded on me. Also it seemed like she wanted to plan everything and if I disagreed or suggested another place that she didn’t choose she would get angry and assume that I was trying to “assert dominance” or being passive aggressive even though it was practically a non issue for me. Also the fact that she would get upset at me if I pointed out a minor mishap like “hey babe you have a spot on your shirt” or “Hey there’s a rip in your shoe”. I felt like I was walking on eggshells towards the end. I was afraid of not bringing up certain topics as it could cause an unnecessary argument that I would rather not deal with. Add in also that she got upset at me for wishing her luck in a job interview and she never felt comfortable talking to me about her job prospects despite dating for 6 months by that point. Was I a fool that ignored so many red flags?

TL;DR: 1st relationship ended. Ex gf had short temper that showed up at times. Remembering all of this this has made think think whether or not this relationship showed obvious signs of trouble

1 comment
  1. It’s always easy to look back in hindsight and see the red flags. It’s harder when you’re in that moment. Especially if she flew off like this you’d assume (like many) it’d be an isolated incident. Most people can control their anger and so on. Don’t beat yourself up.

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