Started seeing someone that I believe has long term or even forever potential. Their sibling passed tragically and unexpectedly between dates one and two. Clearly this is hugely difficult to navigate, but the more I learn about this person the more I’m acknowledging that I really like them and am not going anywhere.

Now on to my biggest fear: I’m afraid that this person will unintentionally use me, and then realize they don’t actually feel about me in a serious capacity, and I will have the rug wiped from underneath me.

I say unintentional because I don’t believe this person would ever intentionally hurt me, but I do feel like grief can cloud judgement. I’m afraid that they will say they are on the same page as me and realize later they actually aren’t.

So who’s been here, what’s your experience, what helped you navigate it? What helped you quiet your mind.

I would love perspectives from both sides of this experience!

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